Novara weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 28 May


Tuesday 28 May in Novara promises to be a day characterized by changing weather conditions. The early hours of the morning will be characterized by overcast skies and possible light rain, with cloud cover remaining at around 98-99%. Temperatures will be around +15-16°C, with a light breeze coming from different directions.

During the morning, the clouds will thin out slightly, leaving room for scattered clouds and temperatures rising to +20°C. The probability of light rain will decrease, but will still be present, with cloud cover remaining around 74-84%.

In the afternoon, weather conditions will continue to be unstable, with possible light rain and cloud cover ranging between 34% and 60%. Temperatures will remain around +22-23°C, with a light breeze that can reach 9-10 km/h.

In the evening, the meteorological situation in Novara will be characterized by scattered clouds and possible light rain, with a cloud cover that will be around 28-69%. Temperatures will tend to decrease, reaching +16-18°C, with a light breeze that can reach 6-14 km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Tuesday 28 May in Novara indicates an alternation of overcast skies, scattered clouds and possible light rain throughout the day. Temperatures will remain at spring values, with a light breeze that will accompany the various phases of the day. It is advisable to pay attention to the constantly changing weather conditions and be prepared for any light rain during the day.

All the weather data for Tuesday 28 May in Novara

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