Abbetnea on the waste-to-energy plant: the effective solution for waste management in eastern Sicily

Abbetnea on the waste-to-energy plant: the effective solution for waste management in eastern Sicily
Abbetnea on the waste-to-energy plant: the effective solution for waste management in eastern Sicily

The world of tourism has seen significant growth in Sicily in recent decades, thanks also to the spread of non-hotel accommodation facilities such as holiday homes, guest houses and bed & breakfasts.

The Abbetnea association, founded in 2000, today represents a point of reference in the region and for the entire Etna world of non-hotel accommodation facilities.

From a perspective of environmental sustainability and protection of the territory, Abbetnea is looking with interest at the construction of the waste-to-energy plant in the industrial area of ​​Catania, a solution which, according to the president of the association, Franz Cannizzo, will allow effective future management of non-separatable waste of the territory of eastern Sicily.

Waste management – according to Franz Cannizzo – represents a serious critical issue for the whole of Sicily, which is why very high fines are paid to the European Union every year (together with the failure to build water purifiers). The waste-to-energy plant, despite arriving decades late, could therefore represent a valid alternative to the landfill, ensuring more sustainable waste management and a lower environmental impact.

But not only that: the construction of the waste-to-energy plant – highlights President Cannizzo – could also have positive repercussions on the tourism sector. Eastern Sicily, with its natural and landscape beauties, represents a highly attractive tourist destination, but the presence of illegal landfills and waste along the roads represents a negative image for the territory and a brake on tourism development.

The construction of a waste-to-energy plant, if accompanied by correct waste management and environmental awareness and education policies, could therefore contribute to improving the image of the area and promoting more sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism.

In this sense, Abbetnea is committed – concludes Franz Cannizzo – to promoting a culture of environmental sustainability and territorial protection among its members and among all operators in the tourism sector, through the dissemination of good practices and innovative tools for the management of waste and the promotion of increasingly green tourism.

This content is a press release. It did not pass the scrutiny of the editorial staff. The author is solely responsible for the publication.

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