Varese weather, the forecast for next week 27

The weather forecast for Varese indicates a week with sky variations and possible precipitation. Monday, overcast skies with light rain and temperatures around +13.9°C. Tuesday, clear in the morning and overcast at night with +12.1°C. Wednesday, light rain and overcast skies with +13.9°C. Thursday, overcast with light rain and +13.4°C. Light ventilation coming from different directions. Pay attention to weather changes.

Monday 27 May

In the night in Varese the sky will be covered with a cloud cover of 94%. Temperatures will be around +13.9°Cwith a perception of +13.6°C. The wind will blow a 6.7km/h coming from the North – North East, with gusts up to 6.9km/h. The humidity will be87% and the atmospheric pressure of 1019hPa.

During the morning, the sky will remain covered with cloud cover remaining around the 94%. Temperatures will rise to +19.4°Cwith a perception of +19.2°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 5.2km/h coming from the South. The probability of light rain will be 16% with rainfall of 0.19mm. The humidity will be of 68%.

It is expected in the afternoon light rain with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will remain around +18.6°Cwith a perception of +18.5°C. The wind will blow a 4.4km/h coming from the West, with gusts up to 8.2km/h. The chance of rain will be 76% with rainfall of 0.31mm. The humidity will be76%.

In the evening, the weather will continue to be characterized by light rain with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will drop to +12.7°Cwith a perception of +12.5°C. The wind will blow a 7.2km/h coming from the North. The chance of rain will be 94% with rainfall of 0.33mm. The humidity will be94%.

Tuesday 28 May

During the night in Varese the sky will be covered with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will remain around +12.1°Cwith a perception of +11.8°C. The wind will blow a 7.1km/h coming from the North, with gusts up to 10.8km/h. The humidity will be of 94% and the atmospheric pressure of 1017hPa.

In the morning, the sky will remain serene with very low cloud cover of 3%. Temperatures will rise to +19.9°Cwith a perception of +19.3°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 3km/h coming from the South – South East. The humidity will be of 53%.

Cloudy skies are expected during the afternoon serene with very low cloud cover of 7%. Temperatures will remain around +22.3°Cwith a perception of +21.8°C. The wind will blow a 8km/h coming from the South. The humidity will be 47%.

In the evening, the sky will be characterized by few clouds with a cloud cover of 12%. Temperatures will be around +22.7°Cwith a perception of +22.2°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 8.4km/h coming from the South. The humidity will be of 47%.

Wednesday 29 May

It is expected in Varese during the night light rain with a cloud cover of 58%. Temperatures will remain around +13.9°Cwith a perception of +13.8°C. The wind will blow a 5.7km/h coming from the North, with gusts up to 7.3km/h. The humidity will be of 94% and the atmospheric pressure of 1018hPa.

During the morning, the sky will remain covered with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will remain around +16°Cwith a perception of +15.4°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 1.1km/h coming from the North. The humidity will be of 70%.

Cloudy skies are expected in the afternoon covered with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will rise to +20.9°Cwith a perception of +20.5°C. The wind will blow a 6.5km/h coming from the South – South West. The humidity will be of 55%.

In the evening, the sky will still be covered with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will remain around +16°Cwith a perception of +15.8°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 3.1km/h coming from the South West. The humidity will be83%.

Thursday 30 May

During the night in Varese the sky will be covered with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will remain around +13.4°Cwith a perception of +13.2°C. The wind will blow a 6.2km/h coming from the North, with gusts up to 6.7km/h. The humidity will be91% and the atmospheric pressure of 1012hPa.

In the morning, the sky will remain covered with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will rise to +16.8°Cwith a perception of +16.6°C. The wind will blow a 3.9km/h coming from the South – South East. Rainfall of 0.14mm with a probability of 79%. The humidity will be79%.

It is expected during the afternoon light rain with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will remain around +18°Cwith a perception of +17.8°C. The wind will blow a 4.9km/h coming from the South West. Precipitation of 0.27mm with a probability of86%. The humidity will be of 76%.

In the evening, the sky will still be covered with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will drop to +13.8°Cwith a perception of +13.5°C. The wind will blow a 5.9km/h coming from the North. Precipitation of 0.11mm with a probability of 40%. The humidity will be of 90%.

Based on the weather forecast, the next few days in Varese will be characterized by variable skies with possible precipitation. It is advisable to pay attention to constantly changing weather conditions.

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