In Cuneo free screenings and sports relays on chronic respiratory diseases

In Cuneo free screenings and sports relays on chronic respiratory diseases
In Cuneo free screenings and sports relays on chronic respiratory diseases

The campaign arrives in Cuneo on Saturday 29 JuneFor health RACE, days of information, prevention, screening and sport dedicated to patients with chronic respiratory diseasesto theirs family members and the general population.

The stage will take place in Piazza Galimberti at the gazebos of Ag. Generali Cuneo and provides, in collaboration with the AO Santa Croce and Carle – Allergology and Respiratory Physiopathology Structure – Pneumology Complex Structure, from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm And from 3.00pm to 5.00pm activity of free screeningsprevention, information and health education, while at 5.30pm the city race will starta “relay” that ideally delivers the baton of the project to the reference center of the next stage (Turin, Saturday 6 July). Info and reservations on

Articulated in 11 mornings until October 2024 at the participating hospital centers throughout Italy, the initiative is conceived and promoted by Let’s breathe together – APS in collaboration with APACS APS and in partnership with Cittadinanzattiva and UNIAMO.

Asthma and severe asthma, nasal polyposis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchiectasis: these are the chronic respiratory diseases protagonists of the Campaign For HEALTH RUNpathologies that affect the lungs and respiratory tracts e concern 7% of the Italian population, with a greater contribution from asthma, causing a strong impact on the quality of life of patients and their families especially due to the frequent diagnostic delay and the consequent delay in a correct therapeutic approach.

The Campaign will also deal with Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (EGPA) which, despite being a rare disease, has among its comorbidities many of these pathologies with which it shares symptoms and part of the therapeutic pathways.

“We really wanted this traveling project – he comments Simona Barbaglia, President of the Association Let’s Breathe Together – because the chronic respiratory pathologies are still little known and partly submerged; furthermore, the shapes plus severe are related to a strong burden of morbidity and mortality, which can only be counteracted by a structured intervention shared by all the actors involved in the treatment process. In fact, we believe that one is necessary great work of raising awareness of public opinion on the risks associated with these diseases e on the usefulness of respiratory screening for early diagnosis. The project “PerCORSA di Salute” was created to respond to these needs and to help patients in correct management of these pathologies by providing them with tools that allow them to be increasingly aware of their disease and able to keep the symptoms under control. Furthermore, through PerCORSA, we want to highlight the importance of physical activity as an ally of health also and above all in these patients who often mistakenly limit motor activity for fear of a possible respiratory crisis.

Among the various chronic respiratory diseases, theasthma holds a particularly relevant position, both due to its prevalence and its potential seriousness”.

In the context of severe asthma, there are numerous comorbidities. Among these, the allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis (particularly when associated with nasal polyps)both for its high prevalence and for its impact on worsening asthma control and the patient’s quality of life.

“As part of the 2024 edition of the event”Fausto Coppi”, On Saturday 29th June it will be possible to carry out free screening aimed at preventing respiratory diseases” comments the Doctor Alessio Mattei who directs the SC Pneumology of the S. Croce and Carle Hospital in Cuneo – “Asthma, COPD and allergic rhinitis are among the most common respiratory diseases affecting the general population. Very often these pathologies are underdiagnosed or underestimated” continues Dr. Mattei. “For this reason we can easily understand the importance of this project which provides screening of the population with free medical consultations.”

Asthma It affects approximately 300 million individuals worldwide and is therefore a major global health problem affecting all age groups – says Doctor Filippo Patrucco, FF Director of the Respiratory Diseases department of the AOU Maggiore della Carità of Novara – is a common and potentially serious chronic disease that has an economic impact on patients, their families and society, causing respiratory symptoms, activity limitations and respiratory crises that sometimes require urgent health care and can be fatal. Fortunately, asthma can be effectively treated by controlling symptoms and inflammation in the airways, ensuring that most patients can live a normal life without limitations. To date, there are many inhaled drugs based on corticosterides and bronchodilators and recently new therapies with biological drugs have radically changed the quality of life of patients. A multidisciplinary path has been established at our Center for some years which, together with colleagues from Allergology and Otolaryngology, has the aim of managing each patient in a synergistic and more effective way, guaranteeing them the most up-to-date care and treatments”.

Another pathology of great importance from both a clinical and epidemiological point of view is the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

“In general respiratory diseasescharacterized by airway obstruction, have great relevance both from a clinical and epidemiological point of view – declares the Doctor Pavilio Piccioni, Director of Pneumology ASL City of Turin – In Turin in 2017 there were over 38,000 (almost 5% of the population) affected by these pathologies. From a more recent survey (year 2021), there were over 21,000 subjects over the age of 40 on chronic therapy with bronchodilator drugs (almost 60% classified by their doctors as suffering from COPD). In more detail the COPD it is a chronic disease characterized by a high prevalence, morbidity and mortality that mainly affects people over the age of 40. There are many risk factors that can favor the onset and progression of the disease but the main cause is cigarette smoking. The major symptoms of COPD are dyspnea (shortness of breath), cough and sputum along with a reduced ability to carry out normal activities of daily living and a reduced quality of life. The diagnosis is made through a simple, non-invasive and rapid test, spirometry which is often performed late (particularly in females), when bronchial obstruction is often severe. An important role is played by the control of risk factors (stop smoking first and foremost), by prudent vaccination policies (anti-pneumococcal and anti-flu vaccination) and by pharmacological treatment; the main treatment of COPD is inhalation therapy which can contain two or three drugs to be taken with a single inhaler and which allows you to improve symptoms, quality of life and reduce the risk of exacerbations, hospitalizations and death from all causes”.

The project’s sponsors included the Italian Federation of General Practitioners (FIMMG).

“The initiative fully falls within the concept of prevention with the adoption of lifestyles and behaviors that allow us to avoid the onset of disease and maintain the best state of health – he comments doctorRoberto Venesia Secretary of FIMMG Piedmont – Specifically, the family doctor offers himself as an essential point of reference for patients with respiratory diseases to guarantee them the best possible outcome. Reflection on the management of chronic diseases has led to the conclusion that chronic pathologies must be prevented, diagnosed early and continuously “governed” with a system of active controls which, based on the natural history of the diseases and the risk factors related to them, correct inadequate lifestyles, reveal the presence of diseases early, avoid or delay the onset and prevent the progression and appearance of complications.”

“Pathologies of allergic interest, including oculorinitis and bronchial asthma, are continually increasing, and it is estimated that up to 35% of the general population is affected by them – comments the Prof. Luisa Brussino, Director of the Complex Structure under University Management (SCDU)Immunology and Allergology” at the Mauriziano Order Hospital Trust in Turin – In most cases, allergic respiratory disease (oculorinitis and asthma) has a limited impact on the patient’s quality of life, with a non-serious clinical presentation, mostly linked to allergen exposure. However, a non-negligible percentage of patients present severe forms of allergic oculorinitis, with limitations in daily activities and a significant impact on the quality of professional and social life. In parallel, severe asthma, which accounts for approximately 5% of all forms of asthma, is often poorly responsive to conventional therapies and has a social impact for the patient comparable only to that of ischemic heart disease. Severe asthma is also often burdened by comorbidities that worsen its clinical outcome, such as chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps, present in over 40% of these patients.

Lastly, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), vasculitis of small and medium vessels with multi-organ involvement, recognizes asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis as the onset manifestations, often resulting in a significant diagnostic delay.

In light of the complexity of the clinical presentations and comorbidities of these patients, the key role of the immuno-allergist and the expert reference center in the diagnosis and treatment of these patients emerges more and more clearly, where there really is a Multidisciplinary Team capable of collaborating and ensure early diagnosis and timely personalized therapy for patients with these pathologies” concludes the Professor.

“Primary and secondary prevention of chronic respiratory diseases is essential – adds Prof. Roberta Siliquini, President of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health – We therefore welcome initiatives such as PerCORSA DI SALUTE which, alongside screening initiatives, include training and educational events aimed at the population. The Italian Hygiene Society supports the initiative with the aim of supporting scientific communication in the preventive field and increasing awareness of the importance of correct lifestyles and adherence to vaccination programs “

For HEALTH RUN it is made with non-conditioning contribution Of Menarini Group, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi and Chiesi.

‘Our commitment to supporting this respiratory disease awareness campaign is a reflection of the deep commitment to community health and well-being that distinguishes us – he comments Barbara Cicero, General Manager of Lusofarmaco, a Menarini Group company – With our support, we want to shine a light of awareness and hope for those who fight these challenges every day, because we believe that every breath counts.”

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