Forlì weather, the forecast for next week 27

The weather forecast for the next few days in Forlì indicates a Monday with scattered clouds in the morning, overcast skies in the afternoon and the possibility of light precipitation in the evening. Tuesday will be cloudy with a chance of rain, while clouds and precipitation are expected on Wednesday. Temperatures will remain mild, with light winds from different directions. Humidity will be variable, with values ​​around 80-85%. Stay updated for any sudden changes.

Monday 27 May

In the night in Forlì, they are expected scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 26%. Temperatures will be around +15°Cwith a perception of +14.6°C. The wind will blow a 5.8km/h coming from the South West. No precipitation is expected, and humidity will be at 80% with an atmospheric pressure of 1019hPa.

During the morning, clouds will still be scattered with a cloud cover of 71%. Temperatures will rise to +18.4°Cwith a perception of +18°C. The wind will be light, coming from the West, with a speed of 2.9km/h. Humidity will decrease at 67% while the atmospheric pressure will remain at 1019hPa.

In the afternoon, the sky will become completely covered with cloud cover 100%. Maximum temperatures will be +25.1°Cwith a perception of +24.9°C. The wind will increase slightly, reaching 13.4km/h from East – North East. Humidity will rise to 47% while atmospheric pressure will drop to 1016hPa.

In the evening, the sky will remain overcast 100%. Temperatures will drop to +17.3°Cwith a perception of +17.1°C. The wind will be light, coming from the South – South West, with a speed of 6.1km/h. There is a predicted probability of 18% of light precipitation, with humidity at 80% and an atmospheric pressure of 1015hPa.

Tuesday 28 May

During the night, the sky will be overcast 100% with temperatures around +17.1°Cperceive how +16.9°C. The wind will blow from the South West to 6.6km/h. There is a probability of 22% of precipitation, with a humidity al 78% and an atmospheric pressure of 1014hPa.

In the morning, the sky will remain overcast 100% with temperatures that will remain around +17.8°Cperceive how +17.8°C. The wind will increase slightly, reaching 11.9km/h from West – North West. There is a predicted probability of 35% of precipitation, with humidity at82% and an atmospheric pressure of 1015hPa.

In the afternoon, precipitation will increase with cloud cover at 100%. Maximum temperatures will be +22.7°Cperceive how +22.6°C. The wind will blow from the North East to 8.3km/h. There is a predicted probability of 13% of precipitation, with a humidity al 59% and an atmospheric pressure of 1014hPa.

In the evening, the sky will remain overcast 100% with temperatures around +16.6°Cperceive how +16.5°C. The wind will be light, coming from the South – South West, with a speed of 5.8km/h. There is a predicted probability of 11% of precipitation, with humidity at83% and an atmospheric pressure of 1011hPa.

Wednesday 29 May

During the night, they are expected scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 59%. Temperatures will be around +15.6°Cwith a perception of +15.6°C. The wind will blow from West – North West to 7.8km/h. No precipitation is expected, and humidity will be at ninety two% with an atmospheric pressure of 1017hPa.

In the morning, the sky will be overcast at 100% with temperatures around +16.7°Cperceive how +16.6°C. The wind will be light, coming from West – North West, with a speed of 12.2km/h. There is a predicted probability of 10% of precipitation, with humidity at85% and an atmospheric pressure of 1017hPa.

In the afternoon, precipitation will be present with cloud cover at 100%. Maximum temperatures will be +22.7°Cperceive how +22.6°C. The wind will blow from the North East to 6.6km/h. There is a predicted probability of 13% of precipitation, with a humidity al 59% and an atmospheric pressure of 1014hPa.

In the evening, the sky will remain overcast 100% with temperatures around +16.6°Cperceive how +16.5°C. The wind will be light, coming from the South – South West, with a speed of 6.2km/h. There is a predicted probability of 11% of precipitation, with humidity at83% and an atmospheric pressure of 1011hPa.

Thursday 30 May

During the night, the sky will be overcast 100% with temperatures around +16.4°Cperceive how +16.3°C. The wind will blow from the South – South West to 5.6km/h. There is a probability of 11% of precipitation, with humidity at85% and an atmospheric pressure of 1011hPa.

In the morning, precipitation will be present with cloud cover at 100%. Temperatures will remain around +20°Cperceive how +19.8°C. The wind will be light, coming from the South, with a speed of 3.1km/h. There is a predicted probability of 5% of precipitation, with a humidity al 68% and an atmospheric pressure of 1010hPa.

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