Napoli tries for Gudmundsson. Manna wants to beat the competition, the details

Today’s edition of the Corriere dello Sport took stock of the next summer transfer window Naples. According to the newspaper the Naples already sets the market without waiting for white smoke for the new coach. The new ds Giovanni Manna already has various goals in the notebook as Albert Gudmundssonalready a target of Napoli a summer ago and who has now returned to office with extreme conviction. The Icelandic playmaker is a concrete target and is valued at around 30 million. The player wants to stay in Italy and it seems that he is in love with Naples. There is no lack of competition from the Premier League, but he would like to stay in Serie A and Juve and Inter also like him, but sporting director Manna is trying to outmaneuver the competition. The plan would be to place it alongside Kvaratskheliaon either side of a center forward.

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