Italy 2024 Report: “Italy is at the crossroads, courage is needed” – SulPanaro

Italy 2024 Report: “Italy is at the crossroads, courage is needed” – SulPanaro
Italy 2024 Report: “Italy is at the crossroads, courage is needed” – SulPanaro

(Adnkronos) – Italy is at a crossroads in relation to the cultural, political and economic choices to be made. It takes courage. This is what emerges from the Eurispes Italy 2024 Report, now in its 36th edition. “We have therefore reached a crossroads, we must choose: adaptation or transformation? Pact for conservation, or pact for the future?”, is the reasoning of the president of Eurispes, Gian Maria Fara, who opens this report year. “Crises force choice and decision”, continues Fara for whom “the possible path is one and only one: transformation, more precisely systemic transformation, indicative of the ability of a system to regenerate, blocking and avoiding every possible process in time involution of regression” because “Italy, despite its serious difficulties, has the human, cultural and economic resources to emerge from an increasingly systemic and multidimensional crisis”. The crossroads also concerns the impact of climate change, the reorganization of the welfare system, the medium and long-term effects of demographic changes, migratory flows, social inclusion, structural changes in the world of work and education, the contribution that our country can make at an international level for the construction of a new multilateral order. Three possible ways out have been identified. The first, “returning to the centrality of man. Today, we speak in philosophy of a new humanism in the face of the power of technologies and the increased uncertainties of the future that awaits us. Faced with today’s complexity, we want to give, through the words of the sociologist Edgar Morin, a clear indication, like a categorical imperative: ‘It is time for man to rediscover himself'”, says President Eurispes. The second, “rethink advanced systems according to criteria of redistribution of wealth”, for the creation of a more equitable system of resources and well-being within nations. “A 2% tax on the super-rich would reduce inequality and raise resources critical to the growth of nations,” suggests Fara. Third, “position education, together with media education and new technologies, as the cornerstone of economies in terms of their ability to produce wealth”. Finally, an appeal to the community of scholars, scientists, philosophers, economists, theologians, historians, technologists, together with politicians and citizens, to contribute to a collective and shared, transversal and multidisciplinary reflection, “to imagine and draw up a new Pact for the Future’ which sees society as a whole as the protagonist of the transformation”. —[email protected] (Web Info)

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