Molise, still bad news on tourism

(PressMoliLaz) 17 Jun 24 Maurizio Varriano writes: “One failure after another based on rules that do not regulate but censor. Molise, plundered due to conditions that dictate burdensome and unworkable rules for the small region. The Regional Council of Molise, with a resolution, has established the list of tourist municipalities that will be able to apply the tourist tax as foreseen by the absurdity of the vaunted municipal fiscal federalism. As if the taxes were not enough which, due to the cancellation of equalization, see the municipalities forced to tax citizens and anyone who wants to be even for just one day. Thirty-four municipalities in the province of Campobasso and thirteen in that of Isernia were classified as tourist based on the 2019 Istat classification as if from 2019 to today nothing has changed in terms of tourist density”.

In short, paradoxes upon paradoxes. And the list of municipalities with a tourist vocation can only spark ancient controversies linked to frictions between municipalities. The list, in fact, includes Campobasso, Isernia, Termoli, Bojano, Busso, Campomarino, Castelmauro, Castropignano, Cercemaggiore, Cercepiccola, Civitacampomarano, Ferrazzano, Guardialfiera, Guglionesi, Jelsi, Larino, Lupara, Mafalda, Mirabello Sannitico, Montagano, Montemitro, Montenero di Bisaccia, Morrone del Sannio, Oratino, Petacciato, Portocannone, Riccia, Ripalimosani, Rotello, San Giuliano del Sannio, San Martino in Pensilis, San Massimo, Sant’Elia a Pianisi, Sepino, Vinchiaturo, Agnone, Bagnoli del Trigno, Capracotta , Castel del Giudice, Castelpetroso, Pesche, Pietrabbondante, Pozzilli, Roccasicura, Santa Maria del Molise, Vastogirardi and Venafro. The rest, including the Orange Flags, are out. But is it really necessary to apply a tourism tax to visit centers that already suffer from very low attendance?

“Shortly – Varriano continues – the Ministry of Tourism, as it has done recently excluding Molise, will designate other funds for the so-called tourist-oriented municipalities and certainly, many countries with certified genuine propensity and attention to this condition of development and economy, cannot be penalized by risking paralysis and definitive decline which is certainly not dictated solely by the condition attributed to depopulation”. The Region has programmatic tasks that are not connected to spending alone, it must follow its path and remedy a gross and unequal act which smacks of mockery. We are at the gates of summer and if there were an observatory in place, perhaps we would have had counts and certainties of numbers capable of certifying attendance and employees. The regional government, as it is composed, has the competence to do so, find the will and remedy an unhealthy way of positively influencing the peculiarities of a region that must no longer be penalized.” Let’s share.

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