meeting with Don Piero Albanesi and Don Raffaello Piagentini organized by the CAI of Carrara

meeting with Don Piero Albanesi and Don Raffaello Piagentini organized by the CAI of Carrara
meeting with Don Piero Albanesi and Don Raffaello Piagentini organized by the CAI of Carrara

The Commission TAM Mountain Environment Protection of the CAI Section of Carrara organizes the next Friday 24 May at 9.00 pm “Dialogues on the Environment” at the Lodovici civic library, Piazza Gramsci in Carrara. An opportunity to reflect on the wonder of creation with two exceptional speakers: Don Piero Albanesi, at the helm of the Pastoral Unit of the city of Carrara and his predecessor, Don Raffaello Piagentini, former parish priest of the Cathedral, known for his environmental sensitivity, demonstrated on several occasions in our city. The meeting, moderated by Riccarda Bezzi and Fabrizio Molignoni, aims to initiate a cultural change and raise awareness on environmental issues which are increasingly needed in our community too. Starting from the encyclical “Laudato yes” to get to the recent exhortation Laudate Deum” by Pope Francis, various themes will be addressed, from the pollution of springs to the need to protect the biodiversity of our Apuan Alps, in line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. The event has in fact obtained the important inclusion among the initiatives of the Festival of Sustainable Development

organized by ASVIS Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development.

For more information

Cai Carrara section tel 0585 776782 This email address is protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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PREV Wednesday 19 June at Civico 103 in Aversa in Piazzetta Lucarelli 16, art gallery Civ 103 and the Live Tones Napoli ETS present on stage an exceptional quartet that begins its tour in Aversa and then continues for the spectacular summer festival at AlexanderPlatz in Rome at the Colosseum.
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