In the capital at the Palace of Culture the initiative “From the Constituent Assembly to the present day, a female political journey”

The conference, “From the Constituent Assembly to the present day, a female political journey”, promoted by the Fidapa Bpw-Italia section of Potenza, took place in front of an interested and large audience at the Palazzo della Cultura in Largo Pignatari in Potenza. Carrying out the “house” honors was the president of the Potenza section of Fidapa, Maria Antonietta Nigri who preceded the speeches of the former Lucanian parliamentarian and member of the National Committee for the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the DC, Peppino Molinari and of the Regional Councilor for Equality of Basilicata, Ivana Pipponzi. Nigri began by speaking about the importance of associations also in political terms, recalling the role of Fidapa, “my soul place” and “the first women’s association born in Potenza as early as 1979”. The president then, placing women’s achievements in a historical context, recalled the decades from 1968 to the early 1980s «epochal for women with a true Copernican revolution for the female world with the birth of women’s movements and slogans like “I am mine” and “the Personal is Political”». Highlighting the role of Fidapa “in supporting the institutions in the path of female emancipation”, Professor Maria Antonietta Nigri recalled the great “civil victories” and the cultural ferment that could be felt in those years, not forgetting to underline the importance of continue to work even in the present on dramatic issues such as violence against women and very serious episodes of feminicide. The word passed to Peppino Molinari who, with a meticulous historical approach, “photographed” the lack of presence of women in Lucanian institutions from the post-war period to today. In particular, Molinari recalled that «only in 1975 with Annunziata Venezia was the first woman elected to the Regional Council, followed by Annamaria Riviello in 1983». Just as in the Province of Potenza with very few women elected including «Lucia Cardillo in 1970» due to an evident «reluctance of men and public opinion to welcome women into institutions». Following Ivana Pipponzi, after recalling that she is a member of Fidapa, she entered into the merits of the issues underlining the “great achievements of women” such as “family rights, abortion, the right to equal pay” but with the consideration that “There is still a lot to do.” Regarding the participation of women in institutions, the Regional Councilor for Equality of Basilicata, before concluding, recalled that even today in Italy equality is far from being achieved.

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