Anti-mafia commissions in the streets, from Lombardy to Campania gathered in Capaci where it all began – BlogSicilia

Anti-mafia commissions in the streets, from Lombardy to Campania gathered in Capaci where it all began – BlogSicilia
Anti-mafia commissions in the streets, from Lombardy to Campania gathered in Capaci where it all began – BlogSicilia

The Anti-Mafia in the square in Capaci to remember not only the massacres but the place from which Sicily’s revolt against Cosa Nostra started. Not a catwalk like those of May 23rd but a public meeting of the regional anti-mafia commission open to the town and citizens.

The Anti-Mafia Commission in the square

An extraordinary session of the regional Anti-Mafia commission, that of the Ars, open to citizens, to relaunch a choral commitment from the square. This, therefore, is the meaning of the meeting organized in Capaci, by president Antonello Cracolici, 32 years after the massacre where Giovanni Falcone, Francesca Morvillo and the escort agents Rocco Dicillo, Antonio Montinaro and Vito Schifani were killed.

From here the “revolt” started

“On May 23, 1992, immediately after the mafia massacre, a civil reaction movement against the mafia started here and then spread throughout Italy – said Cracolici – today we don’t want to celebrate just a memory but to build an active memory with the Municipalities, outpost of legality, present here with the mayors of the metropolitan city of Palermo. With the commission we are trying to build a barrier to the attempt to influence the mafias, which are still powerful in illicit trafficking and infiltrate the economic and institutional system. In addition to repressive tools, a local commitment is needed that goes beyond the indignation that has faded 30 years later. Now it’s up to us to make that commitment permanent. The battle is to isolate the bosses in our communities and fight them on a reputational level, taking away the consensus they have enjoyed until now.”

In Sicily the presidents of the Commissions of Campania and Lombardy

Also participating in this extraordinary session were: presidents of the Anti-Mafia commission of the regional council of Campania and Lombardythe provincial committee for order and security, the mayor of Palermo Roberto Lagalla and the mayors of the municipalities of the metropolitan city of Palermo and many ordinary citizens who filled the square of Capaci.

“It was very important to be here to be united in a battle that unites us from North to South,” said Paola Pollini, president of the Anti-Mafia commission of the Lombardy regional council. “Campania is present – ​​said the president Carmela Rescigno – to demonstrate the commitment of a commission that implements strategies creating the right institutional synergies”. “I believe it is the first time that a parliamentary commission goes to a square to talk to citizens and discuss – said the mayor of Capaci, Pietro Puccio – 23 May 1992 was a watershed: immediately after the massacre we all became aware that the mafia is the noose around the neck for the development of Sicily.”

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