Brescia weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 24 June

The weather forecast in Brescia for Monday 24 June they predict variable conditions during the day. There morning it will start with scattered clouds, with cloud cover around 70%. Temperatures will be around +17°C, with a light breeze coming from the North East.

In the afternoon, the sky will be overcast with cloud cover reaching 100%. Maximum temperatures will be around +22°C, with winds coming from the West that could reach 18km/h. No significant precipitation is expected, but humidity will be quite high at around 82%.

The meteorological situation will tend to worsen towards evening, with an increase in cloud cover to 85% and the appearance of light rain. Temperatures will drop to around +18°C, while the wind speed will increase slightly, reaching 11.9km/h from the West.

In conclusion, Monday 24 June in Brescia promises to be a day with alternating clouds and sunny spells, with the possibility of light rain during the day. Temperatures will remain at pleasant values, with a feeling of freshness due to the presence of light winds. It is advisable to pay attention to changes in the weather and bring an umbrella in case the rains intensify. For further updates on forecast in Brescia, stay updated with official sources.

All weather data for Monday 24 June in Brescia

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