“Get out of Gaza, the institutions help us.” VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |

“Get out of Gaza, the institutions help us.” VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |
“Get out of Gaza, the institutions help us.” VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |
May 21, 2024 Michele Angella

Nezar Elkhaldi lives in Quattro Castella and in recent months he managed to get 25 family members out of the bombed “strip”, now hosted here in homes made available by Caritas. “It’s a temporary solution, we ask that the institutions stay close to us”

QUATTRO CASTELLA (Reggio Emilia) – Escaped from the hell of Gaza, taking refuge in our city, ignored or almost ignored by the state and local institutions. To denounce this difficult situation is Nezar Elkhaldia doctor of Palestinian origins who lives with his wife and three children in Quattro Castella and who has worked to bring his elderly parents and five brothers with their families here, where he has lived for 30 years: in recent months, A total of 25 people have reached him and are now hosted in homes made available by the Caritas network, in our city, the province but also in Modena.

“The Italian consulate in Jerusalem helped us a lot, then nothing. My family members are happy to have escaped the war, but they find themselves in a difficult situation. They were fine there and had their own jobs, here they have no money, they can’t work with the banks.”
Other relatives and friends of Nezar continue to remain in Gaza in a difficult situation which is only minimally documented by the media: “There is no internet there and therefore the information arriving from the population is very limited”.

Read and watch too

The Palestinian doctor in Reggio Emilia: “I lost contact with my brothers”. VIDEO

The appeal of the doctor from Reggio Emilia: “Help my family in Gaza”

Reggio Emilia Four Castellas Israeli Palestinian war Palestinian doctor

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