Modena weather, the forecast for next week

The weather forecast for Modena indicates a start of the week with light and moderate rain, stable temperatures around +15/+22.5°C and winds coming from the East and North East. Subsequently, an improvement is expected with clear skies, temperatures that will fluctuate between +12.3/+22.2°C and light winds from different directions. Humidity will vary from 54% to 98% and atmospheric pressure from 1006hPa to 1016hPa. Stay updated for any changes.

Monday 20 May

In the night in Modena, it is expected light rain with a cloud cover of 93%. Temperatures will remain around +15°C, with a similar thermal perception. The wind will blow a 3.1km/h coming from the East – South East, with light gusts of 5.6km/h. Precipitation will be 0.12mm with a humidity of ninety two% and an atmospheric pressure of 1011hPa.

For the morning, the forecast calls for scattered clouds with a cover of 47%. Temperatures will rise to +16.8°Cperceive how +16.9°C. The wind will be moderate, coming from the North East 3.9km/h with light gusts. The humidity will be at88% with a pressure of 1011hPa.

In the afternoon, we expect light rain with a cloud cover of 100%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +22.5°Cperceive how +22.7°C. The wind will increase in intensity, coming from the East – North East 12.5km/h with bursts of 0.16mm. The humidity will be of 72% with an atmospheric pressure of 1008hPa.

In the evening, weather conditions will not change significantly, with moderate rain and cloud cover 100%. Temperatures will remain around +17.4°Cperceive how +17.7°C. The wind will blow intensely, coming from the East 30km/h with bursts of 1.64mm. The humidity will be of 98% with a pressure of 1008hPa.

Tuesday 21 May

During the night in Modena, we expect light rain with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will remain stable around +16.9°Cperceive how +17.2°C. The wind will be quite intense, coming from the East 20.3km/h with lively gusts. Precipitation will be 0.11mm with a humidity of 98% and an atmospheric pressure of 1006hPa.

For the morning, the forecast calls for light rain with some cloud cover 49%. Temperatures will rise to +20.5°Cperceive how +20.6°C. The wind will be moderate, coming from the North East 8.4km/h with light gusts. The humidity will settle at 77% with a pressure of 1011hPa.

In the afternoon, we expect moderate rain with a cloud cover of 85%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +20.2°Cperceive how +20.2°C. The wind will increase in intensity, coming from the West – North West 26km/h with lively gusts. The humidity will be of 73% with an atmospheric pressure of 1006hPa.

In the evening, weather conditions will improve, with clear skies and cloud cover 0%. Temperatures will drop to +15.2°Cperceive how +15°C. The wind will be moderate, coming from the West – South West 11.4km/h. The humidity will be of 85% with a pressure of 1008hPa.

Wednesday 22 May

Overnight in Modena, we expect clear skies with some cloud cover 0%. Temperatures will remain around +14°Cperceive how +13.5°C. The wind will be light, coming from the South West 9.9km/h with light gusts. Conditions will remain stable with humidity of81% and an atmospheric pressure of 1008hPa.

For the morning, the forecast calls for clear skies with a cloud cover of1%. Temperatures will rise to +20.2°Cperceive how +20°C. The wind will be moderate, coming from the South West 13.4km/h with light gusts. The humidity will settle at 63% with a pressure of 1010hPa.

In the afternoon, we expect few clouds with a cover of 11%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +22.2°Cperceive how +21.9°C. The wind will be lively, coming from the West – South West 19.3km/h with bursts of 0.94mm. The humidity will be of 54% with an atmospheric pressure of 1011hPa.

In the evening, weather conditions will not change significantly, with clear skies and cloud cover 2%. Temperatures will drop to +15.4°Cperceive how +14.7°C. The wind will be moderate, coming from the South West 16.2km/h. The humidity will be of 69% with a pressure of 1013hPa.

Thursday 23 May

Overnight in Modena, we expect clear skies with some cloud cover 6%. Temperatures will remain around +13°Cperceive how +12.1°C. The wind will be light, coming from the South – South West 7.8km/h with light gusts. Conditions will remain stable with a humidity of 67% and an atmospheric pressure of 1014hPa.

For the morning, the forecast indicates few clouds with a cover of 12%. Temperatures will rise to +12.6°Cperceive how +11.7°C. The wind will be light, coming from the South – South West 5.5km/h. The humidity will settle at 66% with a pressure of 1014hPa.

In the afternoon, we expect few clouds with a cover of 15%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +12.3°Cperceive how +11.4°C. The wind will be light, coming from the South – South West 5.2km/h. The humidity will be of 67% with an atmospheric pressure of 1015hPa.

In the evening, weather conditions will not change significantly, with few clouds and cloud cover 14%. Temperatures will remain around +13.3°Cperceive how +12.6°C. The wind will be light, coming from the South West 4.2km/h. The humidity will be of 74% with a pressure of 1016hPa.

In conclusion, the week in Modena will be characterized by a start with light and moderate rain, followed by an improvement in atmospheric conditions towards the end of the week. Temperatures will remain within the seasonal average, with light and moderate winds. Stay updated on the forecast for any changes.

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