Central Functions: the state of staff unrest was announced by the assembly of Fp Cgil Lombardia delegates

May 17th 2024 – Lombard workers from Central Functions mobilize. The assembly which marks their meeting and yet another departure with actions of demands and proposals took place today at the Milan Chamber of Labor and remotely, with around one hundred delegates in total.

The air you breathe in the imposing Di Vittorio hall is that of great occasions and accompanies the message of the FP Cgil Lombardia flyer: state of agitation.

The debate is moderated by Cesare Bottiroli, secretary of the Milanese FP CGILwho plays at home.

In his introductory speech, the regional secretary Dino Pusceddu shows the photograph of often unsafe jobs, of underpaid and precarious work. The public sector has changed for the worse, it has been made to change. This is why it is important, the trade unionist argues, that the attack that this government is launching on the world of work as a whole and on public work in particular, is blocked by a series of initiatives that make clear how precious public services, unique in guaranteeing the universality of the rights of citizens.

But in Lombardy these public services are in crisis and welfare is regressing, unlike the cost of living (in Milan rents have increased by 59%). As, increasingly lacking services cause our region to lose competitiveness, making it unattractive even for those who come to work there.

In the meetings, the trade unionist reports, complaints of lack of personnel, resources and career development are widespread. The first cause of the lack of attractiveness of the PA is low wages and the answer, the only possible one, is that of decent wages necessary to live peacefully. The leverage of computerization, flaunted from Brunetta onwards, proved useless in avoiding attacks on workplaces by dissatisfied citizens.

If this is reality, the risk is the desertification of public jobs and the proposals are interventions such as conventions, regional competitions and discussions with national levels of government which, however, have so far been deaf to the requests. For these, and for many other aspects, the FP CGIL Lombardia secretary points out, the mobilization starts from the legs of the workers.

And not just in the public sector. Indeed the entire CGIL is involved in collecting signatures for the referendum for a job that is safe, dignified, protected and stable.

Just as it is committed to combating all forms of gender discrimination, always affirming people’s rights. From here, the flash mob organized in the room in the international day against homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

All the interventions of the delegates made the crisis of the public administrations evident, including staff shortages, excessive loads, professional mortification, inadequate offices, and sometimes even the management.

The secretary of the National FP Cgil Florindo Oliverio concluded the assembly by reiterating the need for a vast mobilization.
There are no resources for the renewal of the national contract and the next budget law will define them. Furthermore, most of the problems cannot be resolved through negotiation alone and now all public offices are empty in both the North and the South.

The FP Cgil has two flags: contract renewals and an employment plan (recruitment, stabilization) also pursued with amendments that this government promptly rejects. However the Pnrrthe European recovery plan, asks to put public administration in a position to exist. This is also where the demand for her to be returned dignity that is due to him, by adjusting the wages of male and female workers and moving the deadlines of the new professional regulations from 2024 to 2026.
Also the assignment system it must become enforceable by all operators in the area, the organization must become transparent and flexible.

The state of agitation is the first step, but a consensus movement must also be built.

(Barbara Campagna)

FP CGIL declaration state of unrest among workers and Central Functions workers in Lombardy

FP CGIL manifesto state of agitation among workers in the Central Functions sector in Lombardy

Press release


The photos

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