Potenza weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 19 May


The forecast for Sunday 19 May at Power show an alternation of atmospheric conditions throughout the day. In the morning, the sky will be overcast with a 100% chance of clouds and the temperature will hover around the lows. +20°C. During the morning, a light drizzle is expected with a wind speed of around 5.4km/h coming from the South West.

In the afternoon, weather conditions will not undergo significant changes, with cloudy skies at 100% and temperatures rising to reach i +25°C. The wind speed will intensify slightly, reaching i 12.8km/h always coming from the South West.

In the evening, the sky will remain overcast with cloud cover remaining around87% and temperatures decreasing until +15°C. The probability of precipitation will be 16% with a light breeze coming from West – South West.

In general, Sunday 19 May a Power it will be characterized by predominantly overcast skies and pleasant temperatures that will remain at spring values. The weather conditions will remain stable in the following days too, with cloudy skies and temperatures that will remain constant. It is advisable to pay attention to any changes in weather conditions and to consult weather updates to better plan outdoor activities.

All the weather data for Sunday 19 May in Potenza

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