28% of our country’s territory is in danger

Italy is at the mercy of extreme weather events and runs two enormous risks: desertification and degradation. Here are the prospects for our country

Drought alarm and not only in Italy which, as highlighted by Coldirettiruns a huge risk of desertification And degradation. A drama that potentially grips the 28% of the national territory. Our country is among the most susceptible in Europe to suffering the consequences of climate change. A reality from which one cannot escape. In fact, it would be necessary to deny the evidence of the numbers: 908 extreme events which hit Italy in the first five months of 2024.

Desertification in Italy

The analysis Coldiretti on the basis of Ispra and Eswd data, released on the occasion of World Environment Day, leaves no room for smiles. The prospects for the near future in Italy are alarming.

Year after year, in fact, worrying data emerge. Just think about how the availability water of the entire country both decreased by 18%second Isprain 2023. A serious impact especially in the Southern Regions. Think for example of the Sicily, who still suffers from the severity of this condition today. This has a impact on the daily lives of citizensthe crops and the tourism sector All.

An unsustainable situation, which pushed Coldiretti farmers to take to the streets. A great mobilization in Palermo, in order to obtain immediate aid to save stables, fields and animals. In many cases, in fact, production in splendid Sicily has been eliminated, due to the lack of practical alternatives.

However, drought problems have also been recorded in Sardinia, Puglia And Basilicata. In these cases the greatest impact was felt on the wheat production front. A condition that is not improving, with the first quarter of 2024 being the hottest ever, but not only that. In fact, experts predict a summer with extreme heat waves, like in Greece in June.

Bad weather in Italy

However, drought is not the only problem for Italy. In fact, our country must also face a burdensome situation risk of degradation caused by waves of bad weather. Northern Italy in this first phase of June 2024 certainly does not seem to be heading towards summer, on the contrary.

As mentioned, we were impressed by more than 900 extreme events in the first five months of the year. Of these, well 417 were storms. Space then to 132 hailstorms and well 69 tornadoes. The hail devastated entire agricultural crops, while the violent rains flooded the land. Submerged cereals and vegetables, with obviously hindered sowing.

Italian agriculture is a source of pride but the transformation of the climate makes industrial processes almost impossible. A considerable maneuver is now expected from the institutions, in order to push agriculture towards an increasingly necessary innovative phase: robots, drones, satellites, green non-GMO genetics and many investments for savings and maintenance.

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