Padania Acque, the new outdoor area under the sign of Sustainability

CREMONA – Protection and saving of water resources, environmental protection and sustainability. The renovation of the external area of ​​the Padania Acque headquarters in via del Macello 14 is a work consistent with the objectives of Sustainable Development, which takes into account the economic, social and ecological dimensions, and respect for the Planet. The project was born from a specific need but, at the same time, takes the opportunity to implement a redevelopment intervention, acting as a piece of regeneration of the surrounding area and therefore also of the city neighborhood in which the building is located.

Following a complex methodological path, which arises from the need to guarantee safety for users and employees, Padania Acque’s reflection – due to its own sensitivity and role – has extended to the protection of the water resource, identifying further environmental issues. He was born of it an integrated and multi-level project, developed by the Company’s technical structure in collaboration with external professionals.

«The project – explains the engineer Fabio Guercilenahead of the Engineering Service of Padania Acque – took into account environmental issues, the protection of water resources, the climate and the well-being of employees. A complex work, which went well beyond the regulatory obligations to reduce city flooding phenomena (principle of hydraulic invariance). Firstly, we de-waterproofed the entire parking area, replacing more than 5,000 square meters of asphalt with draining pavements to allow the reduction of rain flows into the sewers and recharge the surface aquifers. We have also created a large 195 cubic meter lamination tank underground and a drainage trench of the same volume to store and/or infiltrate rainwater. All preparatory works for the reuse of the first aquifer as irrigation water.”

«The inclusion of 2,300 square meters of lawn areas and the planting of 52 trees and numerous shrubs – continues Guercilena -, together with the choice of light colors of draining floors, it contributes strongly to reducing the increase in local summer temperatures (heat island). The garden is made up of native tree species with a low demand for irrigation water, to adapt to the well-known climate changes, with differentiated flowering throughout the year to create a small urban grove, useful – among other things – to make pleasant working environment. Environmental protection was also pursued with small choices, such as the laying of heating cables along the access ramps to avoid the formation of winter ice and, consequently, eliminate the spreading of salt, a source of pollution of surface waters; or the design of an irrigation system powered by photovoltaic panels placed on the roof of the warehouse or, again, the creation of stalls and paths dedicated to pedestrians and bicycles to encourage the gentle mobility of colleagues”.

A cutting-edge intervention which over time will produce considerable environmental benefits, especially with regards to the containment of energy consumption, the reduction of the facility’s drinking water needs and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

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