Benevento-Triestina, Auteri: “Managing the advantage would be a sensational mistake. Pinato? Unfair disqualification”

Benevento-Triestina, Auteri: “Managing the advantage would be a sensational mistake. Pinato? Unfair disqualification”
Benevento-Triestina, Auteri: “Managing the advantage would be a sensational mistake. Pinato? Unfair disqualification”

On the eve of Benevento-Triestinathe Giallorossi coach Gaetano Auteri presented the “Vigorito” challenge at a press conference. The passage to the second national phase of the playoffs is up for grabs against the halberd club:

CONDITION – “The team is doing well overall, now the calendar assigns matches every 3-4 days but we are doing well. The trip was well organised, acceptable considering the distance. Through motivation you can also overcome obstacles.”

BLESSED – “Benedetti has recovered, Terranova asked to be called up to participate in the match with his teammates and this does him credit. Benedetti can be employed on a permanent basis.”

ADVANTAGE – “The management of the advantage doesn’t worry me, we have criteria, the things we do best are our habits, playing quickly forward. We will have to be good at interpreting many moments of the match, two or three tactically different matches will be played in the same match. Let’s think about putting our habits and aspects into practice. We won’t manage the match, it would be a huge mistake.”

PINATO – “Without him there are many players who have his characteristics with small variables, like Ciano or Ciciretti, but don’t have his running or his contribution when not in possession. They can do it as well as Simonetti but we don’t distort them. Those who have trained the most in that role are these, even Starita could be a player with particular characteristics but I don’t ask him to play between the lines or to make elastic movements.”

GROUP – “They’re all fine, they’ve all recovered, I don’t have any problems whatsoever. We managed Berra for a couple of days, we will complete the three days of work and focus on the details.”

ERRORS ON THE OUTBOUND – “We have analyzed the errors from the first leg, we may have given a different impression from reality, we felt the backlash of the goal conceded and in general we have to defend with more physical contact when the ball is far from the area. Then we had difficulty climbing positions and conceded dribbles.”

RECOVERY – “We took total control of the match, preventing the opponents from going out and holding the field. He played Pinato in that role and played it well. Then Perlingieri has the right characteristics to destabilize them, let’s improve this aspect. Another race awaits us tomorrow, we don’t think qualification is determined, nobody thinks so. We want to play with our standards and our merits”.

DISQUALIFICATION – “It was surprising, a gesture to be condemned by Pinato, he also apologized. But childish, childish, not bad or rude. We should have a little common sense, it’s an unfair disqualification for the episode, exaggerated. Serious infringements and disqualifications are committed, one does something childish and lacks the common sense to handle it like a good family man towards a son who commits a prank. In my opinion it is exaggerated.”

VISCARDI – “Viscardi seems like an expert footballer because of the way he trains, he’s born in 2004, he has qualities that perhaps he doesn’t even know how far they go. He is ready, he had a good race. Meccariello? I’m happy he’s back, he’s growing but it’s not easy at this point of the season to determine a choice for a player who could stop in the game, in another moment of the season in which we have the possibility of carrying out probative, consistent friendly tests it would be easier. The value of the player is not in question, there are other aspects and I have a duty to ask myself doubts. He’s there, he’s ready, then we’ll see how much he can play.”

MIDFIELD – “There are players like Agazzi who always give me great guidance. Talia is fine, sometimes she makes small imperfections in her play. I don’t know who will play yet but I know we are covered. We weren’t good in one-on-one relationships when they passed the ball 10-15 meters outside the penalty area, Nardi got nervous, he won’t do it again and tomorrow he will play a great match. We are among the few teams that play with the 2003-2004 players, it is indicative of what has come out of the youth sector. I’m calm about this, we’ll make the choices, we’ll need everyone as always.”

SIMONETTI – “Masciangelo is fine, Simonetti can also do other roles. His problem is not a problem of role or meters to cover, it’s that he too is on a path of evolution in which he must live with less pressure and more attention, on an individual level. It can happen that you make inappropriate technical gestures, it’s more of a mental aspect than a technical-tactical one.”

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