Carlo Conti cancels Amadeus’ Sanremo: everything will be different

Carlo Conti is already ready to cancel the Amadeus Sanremo Festival: there are many new features on the horizon and also great returns.

You should never be afraid of changes, which can very often be a moment of growth and in which you can overcome yourself. For what concern Sanremo Festivalhowever, given the resounding critical and audience success achieved in recent years, many would have liked to see an edition similar to those hosted by Amadeus.

Carlo Conti and the new Sanremo (Photo Ansa) –

The farewell of the host, after the exponential growth of recent years and a breath of modernity brought to the event, was inevitable, and in its place the choice of Carlo Contione of the few to have the experience and talent necessary to not let the hype of the last five years wane.

The 63 year old from Florence he knows the dynamics on the Ariston stage well and he seems to have very clear ideas on how to move, bringing renewal and trying to cancel the veil of nostalgia, inevitable when things have gone so well. Conti spoke to the Rai microphones on Tg1 Mattina Estate, announcing what he has in mind to further improve the Festival and, in some ways, bring it back to its origins.

The news of the Conti Festival: no eliminations and the young people are back

It’s obvious that not everything is clear yet, both because every change cannot be revealed right now, and because not everything has been planned, but we already have some gems that are dividing the most loyal public in the last few hours.

Conti, the news on Sanremo (Photo Ansa) –

First, Conti announced to wanting to return to focusing on young people, separated from the big names in the race: “There will be a division between the new proposals and the big ones. The new proposals will not increase the number of big names, they will have their race, there will be a winner and the big names will run their race“. More, there will be no eliminations before the final eveningTherefore no initial skimmingbut a single large group that will compete for victory until the end and with fewer songs to participate.

The Tuscan host also said he wanted to continue in the wake of the excellent work done by Baglioni first and then Amadeus. And there are persistent rumors of a possible involvement of Alessandro Cattelanwhich could have a triple role in the Festiva. Not yet specified. There will be one last piece of news regarding the times. The event will close earlier each evening – in recent years it had gone until late at night. And a long-awaited appointment will return: “I can’t resist, being of a certain age, I’ll put the DopoFestival back on…,” Conti said.

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