in Treviso he wins the November IV primary in Varese

The idea of ​​simulating the melting of glass by making the sugar liquid instead is what allowed the children of the 5B of the IV Novembre school of San Fermo (IC Varese 1) to win the “CoReVe for schools – Il Circolo del Vetro” competition. It was theirs that won over the jury funny stop motion short film, which promotes the merits of glass and its recycling.

Thursday 16 May the awards ceremony was held at the H-FARM Campus in Roncade, in the province of Treviso of the competition attended by the teacher Raffaella Giomi and two students of the 5B of the IV November, Noah and Filipporepresenting all classmates who participated in the event via video link from school.

«We had a lot of fun creating this stop motion animation short», said Noahe Filippo as he accepted the award. “We would have preferred to all be present, but in the absence of buses available, technology still allowed us to share the joy and satisfaction of this award with the whole class”, added the teacher, thanking all the parents and in particular the two mothers who concretely supported the «physical and economic effort of the journey to children’s satisfaction».
The same class, a few weeks ago, also participated in the final of the problem solving Olympics (HERE the article).


CoReVe for schools – Il Circolo del Vetro is the contest proposed by the Consortium divided into various training activities aimed at stimulating innovative projects and diversified and creative educational initiatives for all Italian schools, from nursery to secondary schools, on the value of recycling of glass.
The idea is that “healthy competition can help raise awareness among young generations of the new challenges of the circular economy and the correct disposal of glass packaging”, write the promoters.

In particular, secondary schools participated in the PCTO with the design and feasibility study of one real startup which has recycling as its mission, the contest saw the three finalist teams compete in a real competition demo nite.
CoReVe has not even forgotten the universities, to which it dedicated the 36th edition of the Marketing Award, competition which takes place under the aegis of the Società Italiana Marketing and which sees teams of university students from all over Italy compete in the development of specific case studies.


To win a prize pool with a total value of 23 thousand euros for the purchase of educational material through Amazon vouchersthere were 11 Italian schools from different regions, with 6 first prizes worth 3 thousand euros each (one for each school category) and 5 honorable mentions awarded with a voucher of one thousand euros each.

The competition had a strong impact on a national level: they were 2,612 schools were involved for a total of almost 6,000 classes activated with the kits (unplugged and digital, made available by CoReVe, downloadable for free and developed to be used independently by teachers to structure lessons dedicated to the sustainability of glass), and 3,000 teachers who downloaded them.

As evidence of the sensitivity that the issue of glass recycling covers in the country, in total there were 125,000 students were involved and 680 teachers were trained with 25-hour training courses on recycling and sustainability recognized created in collaboration with La Fabbrica and recognized by the Ministry of Education and Merit for the fulfillment of compulsory training.


«It’s always nice to meet young people committed to finding innovative and practical solutions that can help the planet and safeguard their future – he commented Gianni Scotti, president of CoReve – Their ideas, their enthusiasm and above all the desire to get involved for a just cause gives us confidence and reminds us of the responsibility of giving them a better world of how it was given to us. Congratulations to everyone!»

«Sustainability, reuse, but also redesign of ways of doing, working and learning are elements that H-FARM has put at the center of its Education paths – he explains Antonello Barbaro, CEO of H-FARM Education – We are happy to be able to think together with CoReVe on such important topics for Gen Z, the real heart of our entire training project which spans from childhood to high school, to three-year, master’s and executive degree courses to bring values ​​and innovation to anyone who needs to work on their skills.”


Like the children of 5B of the IV November of Varese, VareseNews will also soon be a guest of the H-FARM Campus of Roncade, in the province of Treviso.
The Glocal Farm, a special stage of the local journalism festival promoted by VareseNews, will take place here next Tuesday 25 June, with a day entirely dedicated to innovation in the media ecosystem.

Discover the Glocal Farm program HERE.


Start up Lab Category – Artificial Intelligence Recycling Glass
IISS Petruccelli Parisi of Moliterno (Potenza)

Primary school category – 1st and 2nd class
San Giovanni Bosco Primary School, Porto Marghera (Venice)

Primary school category – 3rd, 4th and 5th class
Primary School IV November, Varese

First level secondary school category – 1st class
Lower Secondary School in Via Moscati, Milan

First level secondary school category – 2nd class
Tullio Garbari Lower Secondary School, Perugine Valsugana (Trento)

First level secondary school category – 3rd class
Luigi Capuana Secondary School, Saponara (Messina)

Honorable mention
Pope John XXIII Primary School, Trani
Edmondo De Amicis Primary School, Trani
Pietro Scuderi Primary School, Linguaglossa (Catania)
Abbadia Alpina Secondary School, Pinerolo (Turin)
Lower Secondary School Andersen International School, Milan

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