«After the European elections, political change, we have non-negotiable values»

CATANZARO «We continue with our action which is full of steps, is full of objectives, is full of commitments and is aimed at realizing our program. I believe that after the European Championships, a bit like what happened last year, it will be necessary to carry out a careful service of what our administrative action is, also evaluating with great serenity but also with great determination the work of all the councillors, the results achieved, what has been a year of work”. He said it the mayor of Catanzaro, Nicola Fioritacommenting on the regional councilor’s membership of Forza Italia Antonello Talerico, his main ally in the centre-left city council. «Like last year – continued Fiorita – alongside an administrative evaluation there will also be a political evaluationwithout ideological prejudices but by checking who recognizes themselves in the initial program of this administration, who shares its DNA of change, of discontinuity, of innovation, of the achievement of values ​​such as sustainability and solidarity, of territorial governance and who shares the our core values, because it is clear that our underlying values ​​are non-negotiable”.

The debate on urban regeneration

Fiorita spoke on the sidelines of a meeting organized by the Democratic Party, in the presence of the member of the national secretary Pierfrancesco Majorinoon the themes of urban regeneration and territorial planning, recalling i progress made in Catanzaro with the PSC: «A more sustainable city – noted the mayor of the capital – is built with work and for this I obviously have to thank our vice mayor, Giusi Iemma, who is pushing this path forward with great tenacity. Building a more sustainable, more supportive city obviously represents in some way the result that almost contains all the values ​​of a centre-left administration. And so obviously this is not a simple path, but it is the path we follow, convinced that a lot of what we will be able to do will then depend on this and on strengthening our values, our vision.” He also spoke on the topic the mayor of Reggio Calabria, Giuseppe Falcomatà: «For some time now our city has been equipped with a tool for the change and sustainable urban planning of the city which is the PSC, a tool that has been missing from our city for 50 years, so much so that it was even called by another name, master plan, and which unfortunately led to the building speculation of the 1970s that the city still pays for today. This tool instead – Falcomatà argued – allows us to declare the end of land consumption because it has zero land consumption and above all it allows us to embrace new innovative technologies with respect to urban regeneration. A necessary tool also to make the best use of European Union funding.” (B.C)

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