Luis Alberto Inter, Fabiani GELA the Nerazzurri: «On him…”

Luis Alberto-Inter, Angelo Fabiani, sporting director of the Biancocelesti, clarified the Spaniard who was also linked to the Nerazzurri

Interviewed by Radio you are, Angelo FabianiDS of Laziotalked about Luis Albertoalso combined with Inter transfer market:

LUIS ALBERTO– «The situation is very simple. I am a man of the people, I come from the street, I don’t like the limelight or making fun of anyone. When Lotito told me to also take care of the First Team in August, I told the president that one thing had to be clear: to establish a method. Lazio must regain its centrality, there must be no room for personalism, egocentrism and anything else. Luis Alberto is an important player, he has a contract with Lazio, I have always said that at the end of the championship we would take any requests into consideration and the club will think of the best of the club, not of the individual player. We are at the service of the club and the people, the fans, personally I do not tolerate those who try to subjugate the people around a football team. He has expressed his will, we will take it into consideration and if it does not harm society we will accept, otherwise we will examine the other hypotheses. This applies to everyone ».


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