[Reggio Emilia] Let’s organize the popular security that is needed! • CARC Party

[Reggio Emilia] Let’s organize the popular security that is needed! • CARC Party
[Reggio Emilia] Let’s organize the popular security that is needed! • CARC Party

Invitation to the public assembly of the Federal Popular Recovery Party to the candidates of the REagire, Movement for Reggio Emilia and Sinistra in Comune lists!

Despite the electoral showgirls, our city is in crisis. From precariousness, to wild west working conditions, to the dismantling of the health system up to the overbuilding, the common trait is that they are all issues that directly concern the management and governance of the territory and that is, what class interests are wanted and must be responded to . We need to reverse the trend: to this end, as part of the Federal Popular Recovery Festival (25-26.05), Saturday 25 May at 5.30 pm at Parco Matteotti, we promote the public assembly “We organize the popular security that is needed: healthcare, care of the territory, work. We don’t need further chatter and promises, but rather concrete action and exchange of experience: for this reason, local workers will intervene in matters of safety at work; Lino Anelli, promoter of a regional coordination under construction for the creation of counters against waiting lists in Healthcare with the aim of starting them also in Reggio Emilia; Marco Lenzoni, nurse, USB delegate and former candidate for mayor of Massa for the list Mass Rises, to think about how an anti-Broad Agreements list intervenes positively in the electoral campaign and in the fight for public health. There is still time before the electoral deadline and there is much to do and be able to do: therefore, we publicly invite the candidates of the lists To react, Movement for Reggio Emilia And Left in the Municipality! to participate and intervene.

What does popular security mean? What to do?

To understand the real interests underlying the electoral debate, the real alignments in the field and to identify the solutions needed, the case of security in the historic station area is paradigmatic. First of all, degradation exists. It exists in the neighborhoods and areas of the city where workers and the popular masses live, often in the suburbs, certainly not the bosses and their entourage. Therefore, it is mainly a real and concrete class issue and must be approached and treated as such, in order to avoid it being the subject of the promoters of the reactionary mobilization of the masses. “Being left-wing” means promoting security based on popular control of neighborhoods, on social cohesion based on the realization, imposing them and doing everything necessary because it is legitimate even if illegal, of the interests of those who live and work in those neighborhoods.

Let’s get to the facts: the economic and social degradation of the via Turri-piazzale Marconi area is, at the same time, a reality it’s a condition sought and fueled by the PD. A reality because everyday life in the area is a succession of brutalization (alcohol and drugs), housing problems (dilapidated buildings and apartments, homelessness, overcrowding, dirt, precarious bivouacs) and violence (petty delinquency, fights, murders, stabbings and bottle attacks). A condition for which the PD is responsible because the “redevelopment” of the area is part of its criminal plan to cement the city, speculating with developers and foundations in cahoots with IREN (what happened in Liguria with the governor Toti’s clique is nothing but an x-ray of the system of government of the Broad Ententes) and expelling the proletarians from certain neighborhoods – the true content of gentrification – such as the “Project 902 / Solidarity living” in via Paradisi. That is, we are witnessing, with carbon paper, what happened in recent years in the area of ​​the former Officine Reggiane and, therefore, the degradation in the station area is functional to the clientele interests of which the PD is an expression. We cannot expect solutions from the PD area, much less from the rest of the “opposition” parties. Proof of this was the discussion, morbid as well as instrumental, of the proposal for an Army garrison: a mix of pure intoxication and security and repressive drift typical of PD administrations.

The way forward is the promotion of popular committeesas the Mirabello Autonomous Committee, who organize healthy aggregation, bottom-up protagonism and take political, cultural and material care of their neighborhood. In this horizon, there are many potential allies to conquer: the social centers of our city must and can become active subjects and promoters (like the ARCI Fenulli club and its Popular cuisine) of the formation of popular organizations that work and strive to resolve the structural and contingent problems of their neighborhoods.

Not only that, security means promoting popular organization against the dismantling of healthcare, because safety it’s also knowing that if I need a visit I won’t have to wait months. On the topic, the recent symbolic occupation of the former AUSL polyclinics in Via Monte San Michele by Left in the Municipality! (SiC!) allows the city’s political debate to be developed. The purpose and form of struggle of SiC! were right but, given the electoral agreement made with the PD, for the action not to be a mere left-wing foundation on the rotten face of the PD (the party that devastates healthcare and the environment) it is necessary to think, within and beyond the electoral campaign, on what to do to reopen the clinics on a permanent basis and how to impose the measure on the new Administration. The public assembly of May 25th is a public and collective opportunity to march in this direction, putting the interests of the popular masses at the center and not those of the shop. And again, safety means putting the battle for work at the center because only with it can neighborhoods be made safe and we avoid having to lose, every day, family members and colleagues on the altar of the bosses’ profit (homicides, accidents and illnesses professionals at work are constantly growing). Alone useful, dignified and safe work for everyone can achieve this and to do so it is necessary to push on the organization and coordination of workers, inside and outside companies!

Here, anyone who wants to carry out an electoral campaign truly devoted to the interests of the popular masses must, immediately, support everything in the city that moves in this direction. And he must do it in a united way, putting aside the spirit of competition fueled by elections. After our decision to revoke our candidates from this electoral campaign, we continued to promote and support unitary initiatives in the city among all those forces that present themselves as clear alternatives to the PD and its policies, from the anti-fascist walk to clean the city of crosses Celtic and other Nazi symbols, to the unitary anti-Zionist segment of 25 April. The Celebration of Recovery and the initiatives that will follow aim to be a further step in this same direction.

We are waiting for you!

We respond to the insecurity of PD and bosses with organization and coordination from below!

We need a popular emergency government: forward in the new national and local liberation from the accomplices and promoters of the internal war against the masses and external war alongside the US, EU, NATO and Nazi-Zionist imperialists!

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