Cassino, two dog tags of soldiers found by the Salerno 1943 Association were delivered to the German ambassador. The live broadcast

The dog tags of the two Axis soldiers found by the Salerno 1943 Association in November 2022 were handed over yesterday to the German Ambassador to Italy, Dr. Hans – Dieter Lucas.

The delivery took place at the end of a long bureaucratic process which saw the Association collaborate with the Volksbund in the legal activity necessary to obtain the measures necessary for the burial of the two soldiers.

The German soldiers found in November 2022 by the Salerno 1943 Association have therefore left the Salerno cemetery to be buried, together with their other comrades, at the Cassino military cemetery under a temporary silent gravestone.

The meeting with the Ambassador was held at the Cassino military memorial, on the sidelines of the event organized by the Volksbund to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the battle in which the Association was publicly thanked for its long-standing collaboration with the German authorities.

Live on Radio Alfa today the President of the Salerno 1943 Association, Vincenzo Pellegrino.

return of plates
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