European elections, in Sicily Cuffaro’s DC supports Massimo Dell’Utri


“I would like to express my most sincere thanks to all of you for the support you have given me and which I will honor in the best possible way. Thanks Totò and thanks to the New DC“. As Massimo Dell’Utricandidate for European elections in the list Forza Italia-We Moderates in his speech ad Agrigento at the convention organized by the New DC which formalized support for his candidacy, in the presence of the leader of Noi Moderati Maurizio Lupi and the national secretary of the DC Totò Cuffaro.

“These European elections – added Dell’Utri – they mark a turning point from a political point of view because they record the fully successful attempt at a true synthesis of the forces at the center of the country which refer to the values ​​of popularism, the soul and heart of the European Union since its first steps. It is with this awareness that we must face the electoral campaign, explaining that the values ​​that belong to us are those that have given rise to the union of peoples and nations”. “The political agreement between Forza Italia and Noi Moderati and the federative pact between Noi Moderati and the new DC – he added – they are pieces of a single mosaic. The objective must be clear to everyone: unity, the strengthening of the Center in the centre-right coalition and the political synthesis of all the formations that refer to this tradition”.

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