«Carrara centre: door to door not yet feasible but improvements with weed cutting and bin emptying»

«Carrara centre: door to door not yet feasible but improvements with weed cutting and bin emptying»
«Carrara centre: door to door not yet feasible but improvements with weed cutting and bin emptying»

CARRARA – “We regret that Matteo Martinelli, former deputy mayor in the previous legislature and therefore aware of the difficulties regarding cleaning and waste collection in the historic centre, attacks the work of this administration so harshly” replies the Democratic Party club of Carrara center to councilor Matteo Martinelli. “It seems useful to us, therefore, to remind him – the political force points out – that door-to-door collection in places with that type of urban architecture is not yet feasible at the moment and that the use of smart bins, a method adopted by his government and whose good will we also appreciate, has not given, for many different reasons, the desired results. It cannot be denied: the problems exist – underlines the Democratic Party -, greater commitment is needed in the search for adequate solutions which will also have to be agreed with the company that will take over shortly. For our part, we take the liberty of suggesting the launch of an awareness campaign among resident citizens and a more careful control is desirable as well as an increase in the number of ecological operators responsible for cleaning and in the quantity of fixed bins, which can be emptied with close cadences. It goes without saying that if the city is cleaner, it will be easier to keep it in that state. In the meantime – the Democrats argue – we can say that some improvements, starting with the emptying of bins on Saturdays and Sundays as well as the intervention twice a day in central areas and the cutting of weeds on the roadsides, are clearly visible. Much still remains to be done but it would be desirable that, in consideration of the summer season which will bring an increase in tourists, all together, from ordinary citizens to those who are delegated to administer and to all the councillors, we would make a commitment to stimulate every person who frequent this magnificent historic center of ours to maintain a virtuous attitude. This commitment – concludes the Democratic Party – will benefit everyone but, above all, we owe it to our beautiful city”.

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