Labor Minister Calderone at Confartigianato Udine


«A commitment to guarantee greater controls for safety in the workplace, interventions to facilitate the training of the professional profiles required by companies and their availability and actions to restore salary dignity to employees who are the driving force of companies and the entire economic fabric » were the issues on which the president of Confartigianato Imprese Udine, Graziano Tilatti, yesterday drew the attention of the Minister of Labour, Marina Elvira Calderone, during the crowded meeting that the Udine artisans had with the representative of the Government at the Confartigianato headquarters in the Friulian capital.

A particular thought on this occasion was addressed to Lorenzo Parelli, the young Friulian student of the Bearzi Institute who died on his last day of internship in a local company. «His disappearance is an important and decisive warning – said the minister, taking up President Tilatti’s call to further monitor safety in the workplace -, because we must ensure that similar events never happen again». Recalling that one of Lorenzo’s “legacies” is the expansion of Inail insurance to cover the whole of life which takes place in a school environment for students and teachers, the Minister underlined that with the Pnrr decree “the hiring of a such a number of labor inspectors that they will be able to guarantee double the checks that currently take place”. The Minister of Labor also recalled the reintroduction of the criminal offense for the illicit hiring of labour, “intended not to harass companies but to mark the difference between those who are honest and those who are not”. Last but not least, the further allocation of important resources to companies for safety training.

Regarding the “credit” license for construction companies, in application of Legislative Decree 81/2008, Minister Calderone reiterated that «it represents a further step in a path aimed at qualifying serious companies with regard to relationships between employers work and collaborators and for the operating methods”.

The minister’s commitment was also assured to address the critical issues linked to the lack of manpower. “We will see the click day again, which is about numbers and not quality,” said the Minister referring to the immigration flows decree. “We must meet the needs of businesses”, he added, underlining the Government’s commitment “to enhance training abroad, in the countries of origin”. Initiatives in this sense are already in place in Jordan, for mechatronics experts, in Tunisia and Morocco, in order to encourage “qualified flows”. In parallel, the effort to encourage self-entrepreneurship, “with the Cohesion decree which provides support for new professionals and tutoring for young start-ups that goes beyond the first years”. Furthermore, concluded Minister Calderone, «we redesign training by identifying a balance between formal and informal training, relying on companies for training courses that are truly specialized and which correspond to a safe and non-presumptive job».

Present at the meeting with the minister were the prefect and the police commissioner of Udine, the representatives of the employers’ associations, from Confindustria Udine to Confapi and Cna Fvg, several regional councilors and the parliamentarian Walter Rizzetto, president of the Chamber’s Public and Private Work Commission. Also present was the general secretary of Confartigianato Imprese Fvg, Enrico Eva.

The Minister, on the initiative of Confartigianato Udine, presented a plaque of gratitude to Dario Bruni, president of Ebiart, the bilateral artisan body of Fvg and former president of Ebna, the national bilateral body, for his great work and commitment guaranteed especially during the pandemic, ensuring full coverage of the redundancy fund.

At the end of the meeting, Confartigianato Udine presented the Minister with one of the excellent products of Friulian craftsmanship, the refined Adelia chocolate from Fant from San Daniele del Friuli.

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