Migrants: Mamadou at sit-in in Caserta, laws create irregularities – News

Migrants: Mamadou at sit-in in Caserta, laws create irregularities – News
Migrants: Mamadou at sit-in in Caserta, laws create irregularities – News

A public assembly with sit-ins on the themes of reception, inclusion and special protection was promoted in the square of the Prefecture of Caserta by the Ex Canapificio social center, by the Migrant and Refugee Movement of Caserta in collaboration with the Castel Volturno Network Solidarity formed by Caritas, Centro Fernandes, Comboni Missionaries of Castel Volturno and Emergency and other local entities such as the Città Viva Committee.

Also present was the historic activist of the Caserta Migrant and Refugee Movement, Mamadou Kouassi Pli Adama, whose true story inspired Matteo Garrone’s film “Io Capitano”, winner of 7 David di Donatello awards, a Silver Lion and candidate for the 2024 Oscars. “The emergency decrees and the laws of the Meloni government – says Mamadou – are creating new irregularities by trampling on the rights of immigrant people living in the province of Caserta and in Italy. Instead, we think of building bridges with immigrant people, we want to deconstruct the physical, social and legal border because only in this way can we improve our territories and our existence. In Italy as in Europe, no one is saved alone”. “As a network of associations active for decades in the province of Caserta – echoes Mimma D’Amico, manager of the Ex Canapificio social center – we believe that the legislative innovations introduced following the tragic shipwreck which occurred in Cutro, by law 50/2023, are having a very negative impact on the already precarious lives of many immigrants present in our territories. We are in the streets to denounce the wicked choices of the Government, which has dismantled the Sai system by excluding asylum seekers from the reception system and weakened an important tool such as the permit. of stay for special protection which is no longer convertible into work also because we want a Europe of Peace and rights, which puts a stop to the recent Immigration and Asylum Pact voted in Europe in April, a pact with a terrible impact”. From the sit-in came yet another request to the Municipality of Caserta “to build the Casa del Sociale in the former Onmi building and to reactivate the widespread welcome that had become a model in Caserta, that is, the Sai, whose funds were revoked by the Ministry of the Interior”.

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