Short-term rentals, the party is over

For holiday homes, tourist rentals, B&Bs, hostels and in general all hospitality businesses that until now have operated outside of the law, the fun is over. In Viterbo they are 13% of the total.

Fight against undeclared work and tax evasion

The fight against undeclared work and tax evasion on short-term rentals, launched by the government with the new Advances Decree, has reached its final stages. After the agreement between the regions and the executive on the decree relating to the interoperability of the databases of accommodation facilities, in the short term, as reported by the Sun 24 Hoursa considerable amount of data will be inserted into the new database of the Ministry of Tourism, marking a before and after in one of the most profitable sectors in Italy.

In Lazio there are 30 thousand structures in total, in Viterbo 13% of these are not in order

Currently, according to an initial mapping conducted by the Aigab Study Center, the Italian Association of short-term rental managers, there are over 500 thousand temporary rental businesses required to comply. In Lazio there are 30 thousand structures in total, around a thousand between the capital of Tuscia and the district. Of these, as mentioned, 13% are not currently in compliance with the required requirements.

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The report

The Aigab data, which covers the entire national territory, was obtained by analyzing all the properties currently present on online platforms (now obliged to provide data to the national database) which have received at least one booking during the year.

The party is over: Cin arrives

These numbers have already been sent to the Ministry of Tourism and will subsequently be forwarded to the Revenue Agency and the Financial Police to start the first checks. But the real revolution on short-term rentals will take place with the single national code (Cin), which will replace the regional identification code (Cir).

New unique code

A mark that will serve to certify not only the quality of the structures, but also compliance with their legality, and which must also be visible in online advertisements. The new single code, bound by a period of 60 days from publication in the Official Journal and mandatory starting from the beginning of September, will include all businesses (including hotels), including those with the old CIR, which will have to adapt to the new legislation .

Tommaso Zei


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