Cisl Molise celebrates Republic Day

CAMPOBASSO. On the occasion of the 78th anniversary of Republic Day, CISL Molise, led by Antonio D’Alessandro, joins the entire nation in paying homage to this historic day which marks the birth of the Italian Republic.

«June 2 is not just a date in the calendar, but a moment of reflection on the path that led Italy to become a democratic republic. In 1946, Italians chose change with courage and vision, voting for a new form of government that guaranteed freedom and rights for all citizens.

Today, as we pay homage to the Unknown Soldier and attend official celebrations, we also recognize the relentless work of those who, every day, contribute to the well-being of our society. CISL Molise is committed to carrying forward the values ​​of equity, justice and solidarity which are the foundation of our Republic.

On this day of celebration, we reaffirm our commitment to working for an Italy that values ​​work, supports workers’ rights and promotes social cohesion. CISL Molise will continue to be at the forefront in defending rights and promoting a prosperous future for all Molise people.

Long live the Republic! Long live Italy!», the words of Antonio D’Alessandro, secretary of CISL Molise.

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