Rimini, skips school to drink vodka with friends. 15 year old girl in an alcohol coma

Rimini, skips school to drink vodka with friends. 15 year old girl in an alcohol coma
Rimini, skips school to drink vodka with friends. 15 year old girl in an alcohol coma

At 15, they transported her drunk to the emergency room in Rimini, after she had skipped school with a group of 4 friends. It happened on Wednesday morning around 10am when an Albanian girl felt ill after drinking an entire bottle of vodka. She was taken to hospital and was treated and after sobering up she was returned to her mother with the activation of social services. Furthermore, the hospital also sent a report to the state police, who ascertained how the events happened. At the moment there are no reports of a crime, so the matter should have ended with a lecture.

Left alone

However, the fact remains serious because it concerns a group of minors who meet during school hours in front of a shopping center in Rimini equipped with bottles of alcohol. It is not clear whether the children purchased the alcohol inside the supermarket as it had initially seemed. Indeed, initially it seemed that the girl had done it all alone, entering the supermarket and drinking the bottle in the aisles. The fact is that there would be witnesses who saw her drinking, but perhaps she was already outside the shopping center when she did. The state police are able to easily ascertain the circumstance given the presence of cameras in the area and inside the store. According to the statements collected, the girl was with four friends, but when she felt ill only one of them remained with her to wait for the ambulance. The others would have disappeared, perhaps fearing some sanction.

The rescue

When the ambulance arrived at the shopping center, the 15-year-old was in a state of confusion and had nausea and vomiting. Although her friends had also drunk from the same bottle, only she had suffered the illness so heavily. When she started to feel ill, her others got scared, they even thought the worst about her and abandoned her while waiting for 118. The police tracked down her parents, in particular her mother who is went to pick her up at the hospital. The affair will probably have consequences at least for the activation of the social services which will have to verify the living conditions of the minor, whether she is cared for at home and whether she regularly attends lessons at school, given that she is still of age. obligation.

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