“Animal activists are not terrorists” – ekuonews.it

TERAMO – The councilor delegated for animal welfare fears attacks on trap cages to capture wild boars. The exit of councilor Pina Ciammariconi is truly offensive, to whom among other things we would like to remind that within us there is a group of zoophile guards operating, who as judicial police officers monitor the correct application of the laws for the protection of animals, on safeguarding their rights and respecting their ethological needs, but who in any case would never dream of undertaking vandalism or any work in conflict with the law. However, even in this case, the doubt arises that “the fear of boycott by animal rights activists” is only the excuse justifying the top secret operation launched by councilor Ciammariconi, absolutely illegal given the necessity prescribed by law for public bodies to operate with maximum transparency.
Does the councilor perhaps fear that the announced capture will not really protect the well-being of the poor animals destined for slaughterhouses?
However, for this initiative we reserve the right to verify any possible violation of the laws in force. However, beyond the insults received, we would still like the Mayor, first of all, given his role as the highest authority and, then, the entire municipal administration, to ask themselves the question whether this slaughter of wild boars is truly a solution to the problem, or is just a sop for citizens tired of meeting poor animals in disarray.
Are they really sure that if we had captured and slaughtered a few wild boars, because they surely wouldn’t catch them all, and made some sausages, we would have solved the problem?
Wouldn’t it be more fair and valid to first establish where it is right for these animals to live? How to ensure that they remain in their natural habitat? Perhaps it would be appropriate for hunting to be prohibited in those places, so that nature can calmly regulate the balance, a place where even the wolf, less numerous but also present in the city, can return to live peacefully, keeping at bay the very number of ungulates, being their greatest antagonist? Ask yourselves, Gentlemen, why all this is happening, it is certainly not the fault of the poor animals, who once lived in the mountains, wolves and wild boars had never been seen walking in the city, ask yourself a question and give yourself an answer, the announced slaughter is only a cruel sop to the citizens, yet another mockery! Let’s bring the wild boars, the wolves back to the mountains, to their home, let’s avoid those horrible hunting trips, where dozens and dozens of hunters armed with rifles almost like machine guns, carry out massacres and sow terror, so much so that they make the animals believe that living in the city be safer and calmer!
PS The wild boars you meet, I say from personal experience, are in fact very calm, they feel at home, not at all scared or dangerous!

Lida Teramo

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