Foggia, Franca Marasco murder

The 43-year-old Moroccan Redouane Moslli appeared in the courtroom, but availed himself of the right not to answer, accused – in anomalous collusion with the 72-year-old Vittorino Checchia – of the murder of Franca Marasco, the 72-year-old tobacconist killed last August 28, in the city, during a robbery (details here).

The expected evidentiary incident, already postponed and scheduled this morning before the investigating judge Bencivenga, lasted just over 30 minutes, and did not open any glimmer of light either on the reconstruction of what happened that morning, in the tobacconist in Via Marchese De Rosa, or on the involvement of other people or regarding the existence of a ‘direction’ behind the terrible bloody event.

Moslli, who had already made statements to magistrates on more than one occasion, in fact preferred not to make statements or broaden their scope. For the Prosecutor’s Office, therefore, the confession made the day after the arrest regarding his own responsibilities remains acquired, but not with respect to the other accusing elements because they were not collected in the cross-examination of the parties. The file therefore remains in the hands of prosecutor Ida Perrone, who will have to take stock of the preliminary investigations and request the dismissal or indictment of the suspects.

Anger and disappointment were evident, at the end of the hearing, on the faces of Franca Marasco’s family: “We feel cheated”the outburst of the victim’s sister, Rosa Marasco, represented by the lawyer Enrico Rando. “But anger and disappointment are not exclusively negative feelings,” he wants to clarify. “These are feelings that trigger the need for an alternative. And I will follow every other path possible because we cannot continue to stay silent and still.”

“The fight against the mafia is not done in court, but is done among the people and on the streets of a city that is overturned by impossible crime”, the woman blurts out, supported in this journey by her husband and daughter (the latter represented by the lawyer Andrea D’Amelio). “My sister’s tobacco shop is her grave for me,” he adds. “In that place I saw his blood, and in that place I registered the closeness and affection of many people who knew our family, but also many absences, those of the institutions and associations that should be the first to fight for legality. Instead we are a city that is educated in silence, which is equal to indifference.”

Rosa, who has never believed the version of the robbery that ended in blood, demands the truth: “In the courtroom I saw the two suspects, but my attention was turned to ‘number 3’, whose name and surname I don’t know, but I’m sure he’s there. And he is the person who organized this terrible, brutal murder.”, he concludes. The robbery, we remember, yielded 75 euros in cash and two mobile phones, but in the victim’s bag the police found over 10 thousand euros in cash. According to the prosecution, the two suspects – Redouane Mossli, 43 years old, and 71 year old Vittorino Checchia – agreed to carry out a series of robberies against commercial businesses in the area. The first, self-confessed, hit the woman with four blows to the abdomen during the robbery; the second, who never spoke to the magistrates, allegedly provided him with the weapon and clothes.

The murder of Franca Marasco

The four blows inflicted by the 43-year-old with a kitchen knife towards the woman – who in the meantime was screaming ‘help’ – two in the abdomen and two in the neck were fatal. The man, after abandoning the murder weapon, left, taking away 75 euros and two mobile phones. Mosili – stopped on 2 September at the Naples station – during the interrogation before the judge, had admitted his responsibilities and provided useful references regarding a subject called ‘Neru’, claiming to have met him months earlier at the reception of the San Pio

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