The velutina wasp in Lucca: a nest of the “bee killer” insect found

The velutina wasp in Lucca: a nest of the “bee killer” insect found
The velutina wasp in Lucca: a nest of the “bee killer” insect found

OfSimone Dinelli

The nest reported in the San Vito area along Via delle Cornacchie: it is empty and abandoned but the Municipality invites you to report the presence of these insects which are very dangerous for the environment and plants

Signs of vespa velutina in Lucca and more precisely in San Vito, a neighborhood on the first outskirts of the city. The Municipality – following a report from the Garfagnana Vespa Velutina Association – has identified a nest along via delle Cornacchiepositioned on a cherry tree at a height of approximately 3 metres.

According to the organisation’s technicians, the nest should be empty, but at the same time they believe it is probable that there may be other active ones nearby.

The Municipality remembers how the velutina wasp – also known as the Asian hornet – results particularly dangerous for bees, as it nourishes its larvae with protein substances that it manages to obtain by killing them. But the risks – the organization underlines – are also for agriculture, because the wasp obtains the sugary substances damaging the fruits found on the plants. And even for the population, as it turns out very aggressive near the nests and its bite can also cause serious consequences.

This is why the Municipality asks for the collaboration of citizens, urging them to report the presence of “suspicious” nests: the numbers to call are those of the municipal switchboard (0483/4422) or that of the Garfagnana Vespa Velutina Association (339 3275069 – email: garfagnanavelutina

How it is made

These insects have dark legs, except for the yellow extremities. The front part of the head is orange-yellow, while the antennae are black. Queen wasps can reach a size of about 4 cm. As regards the shape of the primary nest, it is spherical and hollow and has the size of an orange.

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May 9, 2024


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