Conference on fertility with the Medical Association of Lucca

An important conference, promoted byOrder of surgeons and dentists of the Province of Luccaon the topic Fertility as a health asset is scheduled for Saturday (11 May) from 8.30am to House of the Executioner (entrance with lift also from via Bacchettoni).

Why a conference on this topic? The scientific director of the conference explains it Luisa Mazzotta: “Cradles are increasingly empty in Italy where the decline in births continues. This is what emerges from the Istat data relating to the year 2023, published at the end of March – explains Mazzotta – It seems clear that the reduction in the birth rate in our country is linked to cultural, sociological and economic changes. But at the same time, fertility is worryingly reduced. Infertility appears to affect approximately 20% of couples. Treatment and prevention therefore become fundamental to protect the health and reproductive capacity of young people. Better guarantees come from the recent national approval of the Lea, which for the first time recognizes and enhances medically assisted procreation in Italy. Fertility must be considered as a health asset and a guarantee of generational turnover.”

The event is sponsored by the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Municipality of Lucca, of which Mazzotta herself is president.

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