A2 playoff 2024 QF #Game2: Udine shuts out Cremona in overtime

A2 playoff 2024 QF #Game2: Udine shuts out Cremona in overtime
A2 playoff 2024 QF #Game2: Udine shuts out Cremona in overtime

Udine, 7 May 2024. After winning game 1, theApu Old Wild West Udine the series against the continues Ferraroni Juvi Cremona. After a quick start by the hosts, the guests recovered and despite Costi’s unavailability, they began to dictate their own rules. Udine recovers midway through the second half, ending with a thrilling final, in which Tortù gives extra time. In the extra period, however, the Friulians managed to find greater continuity to manage the slim advantage and finish 95-90. The series now moves to Cremona at 2-0 for the Udine team, who will have their first match point for the semi-finals on Saturday evening.


Vertemati lines up Monaldi, Alibegovic, Ikangi, Gaspardo, Cannon, while Bechi: Shahid, Cotton, Tortù and Vincini. Ikangi christens the match with a triple. The intensity of the start is the opposite of two days ago, Cannon and Gaspardo lead the hosts to 7-0. Cotton interrupts the partial. Tortù responds to Gaspardo, but the Juventus number 10 is on fire and continues to strafe successfully. Timperi keeps the visitors’ offensive going. Sahid pierces the retina, but Alibegovic’s duel is successful for a +7. Benetti lacks support, while De Laurentiis doesn’t disappoint with his free throws. Virginio puts the bomb, but the Friulians still have time for an action, which ends with the correction by De Laurentiis for the 24-16. Even tonight, as in game 1, Cremona is counting on better percentages, but without the large previous gap. Udine, on the other hand, dominates in rebounding.

Virginio reopens hostilities. The hosts no longer find the basket, but Vincini scores -4, followed by a support from Benetti. Finally Virginio throws the triple for the first lead, immediately equalized with a free throw from Cannon. Cremona finds rhythm and intensity, and continues to grind, reaching +4. Sabatino responds to Caroti. Timperi scores +7 on the counterattack. At half-time the Lombards are ahead 33-40. In this half, the hosts saw their statistics drop further: 3/17 in shooting and 2/7 in free throws. Only Gaspardo is in double figures with 10p.

Cannon’s tap in brings Udine back to -5, but Cremona’s offensive doesn’t stop, even with triples it reaches +9. Da Ros catches Ikangi in the area for -6. With patience the Udine players mend the score until -1. Timperi throws himself towards the basket, earning a 2+1. Again Timperi with a spell forces Vertemati to time out at -6. Caroti gives some oxygen, while Tortù punishes from the charity line. Udine continues not to find the basket, while their opponents see it as big as a swimming pool and don’t miss a shot, advancing to +13. Caroti puts -10. Bechi protests too much with the referees and sends Caroti to the line for the penalty 53-62.

Shahid takes two points from the line, while Monaldi scores from home, followed by Caroti who scores -5. The energy of the Lombards drops and Gaspardo shortens to -1. Cotton restores the distance, but Gaspardo doesn’t give up. Tortù has kilometers of space, but Caroti stamps his seal for equality. Monaldi doesn’t miss the +2 from the charity line. Cannon makes space in the area, but Shahid shortens. Caroti is invited into the area and thanks. Cotton finds the new equalizer with 1 minute to go. Benetti sends Cannon to the line who makes 2/2 and then recovers the ball from a cut and relaunches the attack. Caroti appears on the line at -13″, but only makes 1/2. Bechi gives instructions for the last action, the ball goes to Tortù and performs a miracle at -9″. Caroti doesn’t find the space to reply and on 78-78 we’re headed for extra time.

Tortù brings the guests back ahead but Caroti equalises, then finds two more points from the line. Cannon trembles on the line, Cotton finds the green light, then Cannon again in the area goes to -1. Tortù doesn’t make any more mistakes and is +4 guest. Monaldi returns to the match with -1. Ikangi brings the Friulians back to +1 with a flying deflection. Gaspardo takes care of extending it to +4. Cannon sends Tortù to the line, who this time hesitates, Caroti also imitates him. Cotton shortens very quickly. An icy Monaldi arrives on the line and scores +4 at -13″. Tortù is 0/2 on the line, but Gaspardo captures the rebound for Alibegovic, who scores 1/2 on free throws. Udine wins 95-90.

The home team struggled with shooting, but made up for the gap by winning more possessions thanks to clear dominance in rebounding and a defense that produced several turnovers. The guests, after a hesitant start, found rhythm and high scoring percentages, which put their opponents in difficulty.

MVP: Jalen Cannon who achieved the second double double in a row, with 20 points and 11 rebounds in 33 minutes. Ventello also for Lorenzo Caroti22p e Raphael Gaspardo, 20p. Performance to be framed for Lorenzo Tortu which comes close to reaching a career-high, stopping at 28p (3/6 from 2, 5/8 from 3 and 7/10 from free throws) to which are also added 7 rebounds in 37′. Double double also Marco Timperi with 12 points and 10 rebounds in 34 minutes.



APU Old Wild West Udine – Ferraroni Juvi Cremona 95-90

Partial scores: 24-16; 9-24; 20-22; 25-16; 17-12.
Progression: 24-16; 33-40; 53-62; 78-78; 95-90.

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