Brescia, councilor Cantoni writes to captain Bisoli and praises the club

Brescia, councilor Cantoni writes to captain Bisoli and praises the club
Brescia, councilor Cantoni writes to captain Bisoli and praises the club

The Sports Councilor of the Municipality of Brescia, Alessandro Cantoni, sent a letter to the captain of Brescia Calcio, Dimitri Bisoli, with the request to read it to the whole team. In the letter, Cantoni expressed his thanks to president Cellino and Rolando Maran, defining them as “pillars of this club” and recognizing their commitment to achieving success.

Cantoni then urged the team to “take to the field with the soul of a warrior and the heart of a poet”, inviting them to fight with the tenacity of the Lioness, symbol of the city of Brescia, and with the grace of the swallows that fly in the sky. Finally, he addressed a thought to Fabrizio Paghera, recently affected by the loss of his mother, encouraging him to find inner strength in this difficult moment.

Brescia Calcio thanked councilor Cantoni for his message, hoping that all citizens of Brescia can adopt this positive spirit to start a new path together. This cordial exchange marked a moment of union between the football club and the municipal administration, representing an opportunity for collaboration that goes beyond the past coldness in relations between the two parties.

The full letter from councilor Alessandro Cantoni

Dear Captain Dimitri Bisoli,
I send you this thought of mine, praying that your entire team read it: in this crucial moment, as we approach the end of an intense season, my thoughts and encouragement fly towards you, our captain, and towards everyone your valiant companions from Brescia Calcio. You, who write the history of this glorious team with your exploits on the pitch, are the custodians of a legacy of passion and determination that has deep roots in the heart of Brescia.

First of all, I want to express to you my most sincere support, extended to the entire team: President and Coach, pillars of this club who with commitment and dedication have charted the course towards the successes that today we aspire to achieve right up to the end.
man of the Brescia family, without exception. Our history, as you know, is a fabric embroidered with the golden threads of legends such as Alessandro Altobelli, Hagi, Roberto Baggio, Andrea Pirlo, Pep Guardiola Luca Toni, Andrea Caracciolo and many others, each of whom brought their own unique talent and spirit to our cause.

Now it’s your turn to weave new plots. Now is the right opportunity. As you read these lines, think for just a moment how many of you started kicking a ball as children, with eyes full of grandiose dreams and a burning desire to scale the heights of world football. Every step you have taken so far has been a brick laid on this path of aspirations, a path paved with sacrifices, joys, sweat and some inevitable tears. In the next matches I ask you to take to the field with the soul of a warrior and the heart of a poet, to play every minute as if it were a fragment of suspended time, a moment in which every pass, every shot, every save becomes a brushstroke on a vast fresco that celebrates our beloved city. May your game be a hymn to our Brescia, a song of courage and pride that resonates in the stands, touching the hearts of all the fans who, like me, strongly believe in you. Fight with the tenacity of the Lioness, symbol of our city but also with the grace of the swallows that fly in the sky, demonstrating that believing in something beautiful is not just a dream but a goal that we can reach together. With confidence in your strength and with immense pride in my heart I wish you the best for this season finale.

Brescia is with you. A big hug to Paghera: you will see, dear Fabrizio, that you will have extra strength within you.

Come on Brescia, always and in any case.

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