Archeoclub conference dedicated to the tomb of the athlete from Taranto

Wednesday 17 April 2024 — 4.08pm

On Friday 19 April, at 5.30 pm, at the Museum of Natural History of the Mediterranean, a conference is on the agenda, organized by the Archeoclub Livorno, dedicated to the “tomb of the athlete of Taranto”, an interesting example of Greek burial

Friday 19 April, at 5.30pm, at the Museum of Natural History of the Mediterranean (in the picture)a conference is on the agenda, organized byArcheoclub Livornodedicated to the “tomb of the athlete of Taranto”, an interesting example of Greek burial.

The speaker will be the professor Francesco Mallegni which will illustrate the study of the bone remains belonging to an Olympic athlete and how a discovery of this type can also prove to be a historical testimony on the types of competition of the time.

The tomb of the athlete from Taranto, discovered by chance, is a Greek-style sarcophagus burial, accompanied by amphorae bearing the drawings of the competitions

won at the Panathenaic Olympics in Athens, held in honor of the goddess Athena, protector of the city.

The sarcophagus contained the bone remains of a young man, winner in some gymnastics specialties, whose name no one knows, although those of other athletes from Taranto who were winners in other competitions are known.

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