today rain, Thursday 18th thunderstorms and clear spells, Friday 19th rain and clear spells

today rain, Thursday 18th thunderstorms and clear spells, Friday 19th rain and clear spells
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Matera Weather Forecast

Matera weather situation real time – Wednesday 17 April

Real-time situation: The closest radar detection at 9:00 reports no precipitation with intensity 0 out of 12.
According to the latest weather forecasts, the next few hours will be characterized by widespread cloud cover, with a temperature of 16°C. Moderate winds coming from West-North-West with intensity between 14 and 19km/h. There is no precipitation.

Matera 3 day weather forecast

Wednesday 17 April: day characterized by rain, minimum temperature of 8°C and maximum of 16°C. Going into detail, we will have mostly overcast skies in the morning, continuous rain in the afternoon, mostly overcast skies in the evening. During today the maximum temperature will be recorded at 11 am and will be 16°C, the minimum of 8°C at 11 pm, the lowest freezing level will be at 1750m at 8 pm and the lowest snow level, 1530m , at 7 pm. The winds will be moderate in the morning coming from West-North-West with an intensity of around 16km/h, in the afternoon moderate from North-North-West with an intensity of around 15km/h, in the evening moderate from West- North-West with intensity between 15km/h and 31km/h. The highest solar intensity will be at 10 am with a UV value of 1.5, corresponding to 410W/m2.

Thursday 18 April: day characterized by clouds with thunderstorms and sunny spells, minimum temperature 3°C, maximum 16°C. Going into detail, we will have partly cloudy skies in the morning, probable showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon, clear skies in the evening. During tomorrow, a maximum temperature of 16°C will be recorded at 12 pm, while the minimum at 6 am will be 3°C, the lowest level of the freezing point will be at 1700m at 10 am and the minimum snow level will be 1440m at 2 pm. The winds will be weak in the morning from West-South-West with an intensity of around 10km/h, weak from South-South-West in the afternoon with intensity between 7km/h and 12km/h, in the evening weak from the West -South-West with intensity between 5km/h and 14km/h. The highest solar intensity will be at 11 am with a UV value of 6.3, corresponding to 835W/m2.

Friday 19 April: day characterized by rain and sunny spells, minimum temperature of 3°C and maximum of 10°C. Going into detail, we will have continuous rain in the morning, short showers and clear spells in the afternoon, clear skies in the evening. During the day the maximum temperature will be recorded at 1pm and will be 10°C, the minimum will be 3°C at 5am, the lowest level of the freezing point will be 1430m at 10am and the minimum snow level will be 1110m at 8 am. The winds will be moderate both in the morning and in the afternoon coming from North-North-West with intensity between 26km/h and 41km/h, moderate from North-West in the evening with intensity between 23km/h and 43km/h. The highest solar intensity will be at 12 o’clock with a UV value of 1.2, corresponding to 369W/m2.

April 17 rain 8°C 16°C


NNW 13 / 31
n/a n/a
April 18th thunderstorms and clear spells 4°C 15°C


SSW 8 / 28
n/a n/a
April 19th Rain and sunny intervals 3°C 10°C


NNW 24 / 43
n/a n/a

Complete forecasts

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