A docuseries will tell the story of the dramatic prison riot of 50 years ago in Alexandria

A docuseries will tell the story of the dramatic prison riot of 50 years ago in Alexandria
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ALEXANDRIA – Six episodes to tell a story complicated and painful story that Alessandria tends to remove from her memories. “Forgotten memory” it’s a docuseries That from May 10th it will be available on various platforms to go back 50 years and tell the dramatic riot in the Don Soria prison which cost the lives of 7 people, 5 hostages and 2 rioters . A cross-section of history in which Alexandria was shaken by violence and tragedy, in which the city found itself displaced by an enormous event, dethroned in its decisions and then lost in the face of an unthinkable epilogue.

«It almost seems that Alessandria wanted to forget the history of the revolt. They named the prison after my father and Cantiello, but nothing has been done to understand what really happened.” This sentence, by Luigi Gaeta, son of the police officer Sebastiano Gaeta, tells well what one of the most tragic events in the recent history of Alessandria left behind. 50 years have passed since riot at the “Don Soria” prison on 9 and 10 May 1974. On the occasion of this important anniversary, LaV Comunicazione, a production company of the Diocese of Alessandria, created an episode docuseries entitled “Forgotten Memory”That will be online from Friday 10 May 2024 on social media and on the website lavcomunicazione.it/memoriadimenticata, from which it is already possible to see the launch video.


Thursday 9 May 1974. “Don Soria” prison in Alessandria. Three armed prisoners, Cesare Concu, Domenico Di Bona and Everardo Levrero, took about twenty people hostage (prison school teachers, the doctor, prison officers and other prisoners). The rioters want to escape. Outside, directing the operations were the Prosecutor of the Republic of Turin, Carlo Reviglio della Veneria, and the general of the Carabinieri, Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa. Two days of negotiations, of tension, of pain, of tears will follow. And truths yet to be discovered. The toll will be tragic: five deaths among the hostages, two among the rioters and dozens injured. Doctor Roberto Gandolfi, Professor Pier Luigi Campi, police officer Sebastiano Gaeta, Brigadier Gennaro Cantiello and social worker Graziella Vassallo Giarola will lose their lives. Of the rioters, Cesare Concu was killed by the police, Domenico Di Bona committed suicide, while Everardo Levrero remained unharmed and was put on trial. 50 years have passed, but even today there are many questions that hover over this dramatic story.


«The docuseries is called “Forgotten Memory”, because it seems that Alessandria has forgotten this story» he explains Alessandro Venticinque, journalist for Voce Alessandrina and author of the docuseries. «The latest generations, like mine for example, have hardly heard of it.

For this reason, 50 years later, we decided to tell it. To try to illuminate those shadows that still prevent us from knowing the whole truth.

To look the pain of those who have lost a father, a husband, a relative, a friend in the face. For those who, since that 9 and 10 May 1974, have seen their lives turned upside down. And he had to deal, every day, with pain and anger.”


In “Forgotten Memory” the two days of the revolt will be retraced and everything that happened afterwards: between trials, investigations, theories and truths yet to be discovered. With images of the time and of the current prison, thanks to the collaboration with the management of the Penitentiary Institutes of Alessandria. We will see the faces and hear the voices of those who have lived this story first hand. There are those who have lost a father, those who were present and saw, those who have had them tell them: different stories, different lives but with wounds and indelible marks that never go away. There will be testimonies from some family members of the victims and survivors, and from the journalists who reported the revolt. Not only that: for the first time after the 1978 trial, we will hear the voice of Everardo Levrero, the only survivor of the three rioters, who today lives outside Italy and has never made any statements. Alessandro Venticinque tracked him down and asked him to tell his story.


“Stories like this leave wounds so deep that if left untreated they can burn for an entire existence,” he explains Enzo Governale, director of Social Communications. «The signs of that story were clearly visible in the words and faces of the protagonists of this docuseries. I saw some faces change during the interviews and I hope that for many of them it was an opportunity to soothe that pain and try to move on permanently. We decided to produce this docuseries so that Alessandria and the community that lives there can also do the same. Without forgetting, without looking the other way. No wound heals if you don’t first look at it, accept it and finally decide to take care of it. For us this is the meaning of communication.”


“Forgotten Memory” has been online since 10 May 2024: on the social networks of LaV Comunicazione and on the website lavcomunicazione.it/memoriadimenticata. Anyone who would like to help us or share their experience related to this story can write to [email protected].

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