Discover the ageless pleasure of painting: the course organized by Cna is starting

Discover the ageless pleasure of painting: the course organized by Cna is starting
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The painting course organized by Cna Area di Ferrara and Cna Pensionati was officially presented on Wednesday 27 March, which will have the artist and historical member of Cna Raimondo Imbrò as teacher.

“As Cna we care very much about this project because it will allow us to show the artistic aspect of our artisans – says Valeria Ferri President of Cna Area Ferrara – at the end of the project we will also organize an exhibition to be able to display the results of this interesting initiative”.

“The painting course falls within the scope of Cna Pensionati’s objective of creating moments of sociality – says Ida Bruneo Manager of Cna Pensionati Ferrara – but also of learning and developing one’s skills and creativity. It will certainly be an opportunity for participants to discover a new side of themselves.”

“The journey will begin with some theoretical notions – explains Raimondo Imbrò, artist and teacher of the departing course – we will certainly talk about art history, theory of colors and shadows, perspective. These are fundamental aspects to know before you can really pick up the brush, as I always say, painting equals culture.”

The course will start in mid-April and includes, for the initial phase, 12 weekly meetings. It will cost from 50 euros for Cna members to 65 euros for non-members per month. To participate you must contact Ida Bruneo on 0532 749230 or email [email protected]

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