when we will see it and the first previews

when we will see it and the first previews
when we will see it and the first previews

The news everyone was waiting for has finally arrived. Claudio Amendola confirms The Cesaroni 7 and reveals the very first previews.

A pressure that perhaps few actors, screenwriters and producers have been lucky enough to have. A series that was initially created almost as a joke and was not thought to achieve the success it has achieved over the years. The Cesaroni it has become a real cult, a story that has entered the hearts of millions of Italians who have long been asking for a continuation, at least a worthy conclusion after a sixth season that was not received very well.

Claudio Amendola has finally respondedafter a series of weak signals and clues that sent fans into a frenzy. However, they had proceeded very cautiously, being cautious and not giving in to confirmations that could have then generated a deep disappointment. Now, however, we are finally faced with a confirmation, a date and the first previews regarding what will be a real event. The Cesaroni 7 are about to arrive: here’s when and the very first previews of the soul of this project, that is Claudio Amendola who takes on the role of the owner of the house, Giulio Cesaroni (HERE a protagonist of the series guest in his restaurant).

The Cesaroni 7the confirmation of Claudio Amendola: when filming begins and the first previews

He was a guest at the Benevento National Film and Television Festival Claudio Amendola and it is precisely on this occasion that he let himself go about the new season of The Cesaroni on Canale 5. After ten years we are back on set and very soon indeed. The Roman actor said that filming should begin in November and that if everything goes according to plan, by the end of 2025 we should have the new episodes in our hands and discover the continuation of this beloved story Made in Roma. He spoke about how the ‘pressing’ from fans has been assiduous and frequent in recent years: “but when are the Cesaroni coming back”anyone asks even on the street, the Roman actor revealed.

Claudio Amendola during his interview with Belve on Rai 2

Everyone is asking for a new series and the actors and production have realized even more how it was the case to return to the set after the proposal on Netflix. The episodes on the platform after just a few days from the upload, have reached incredible numbers. This has testified how real and sincere the love and the expectation of the public were, so a new season seemed almost necessary. Expectations are very high, Amendola revealedso it seems they want not to disappoint those who made this success possible. We still don’t know anything more and especially who the final cast will be. If filming actually starts in a few months, we will find out everything very soon.

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