Giorgio Cremaschi, the shock attack on the rich unleashes the storm. “And they are the good ones…” – Il Tempo

Giorgio Cremaschi, the shock attack on the rich unleashes the storm. “And they are the good ones…” – Il Tempo
Giorgio Cremaschi, the shock attack on the rich unleashes the storm. “And they are the good ones…” – Il Tempo

The storm does not abate due to the words of the trade unionist Giorgio Cremaschi who yesterday, Wednesday 19 June, in the broadcast L’aria che tira su La7 commented on the case of the party organized by Cristina Fogazzi, the influencer and entrepreneur known as the cynical beautician , in the Braidense library of Brera. But what did the commentator say? “The rich need to start being afraid again – he began -. When I listen to stories like that of Cristina Fogazzi I feel the need for the guillotine, which has solved many of humanity’s problems. The rich must be afraid of losing what they have”. Words that leave host David Parenzo’s guests stunned.

Replying to the trade unionist is Alessandro Cecchi Paone who underlined how Cremaschi, in speaking of severed heads and the hunt for the rich, in turn adopts attitudes typical of fascism. “You must let us speak too – said the journalist and science communicator -. You remained behind at theancien regime where among other things the guillotine did not hit the rich bourgeois but the ecclesiastics and parasitic nobles. So you are giving a completely wrong reading of what the French Revolution was.”

Historical readings aside, Cremaschi’s release triggers comments on social media, where the clip of the “guillotine” is very popular. “Incredible: he really said it”, comments the journalist Nicola Porro, host of Quarta Repubblica on Rete 4, relaunching an article on the episode of L’aria che lui tira. “From #cremaschi who wants the purifying guillotine to the one who calls for #piazzaleloreto. But the fascists are the others. They are the good ones”, tweets Fabio Dragoni who also relaunches the video of Susanna Cherchi of the 5 Star Movement who during the debate in the Chamber on Differentiated Autonomy he stated: “You pay for wickedness. You are making the Italians eat your excrement and you can’t joke with karma. Sooner or later you, your children and your grandchildren will eat it (…). The Italians they are a strange people, don’t forget Piazzale Loreto. He arrived in Piazzale Loreto and they turned him upside down; “Obviously, the guillotine that the rainbow leftist is thinking of is the one that hits the suffering middle classes, because then they never lift a finger against the masters of finance and e-commerce”, is the comment of the philosopher Diego Fusaro .

The La7 video, Cremaschi shock: “Need for guillotine, the rich are starting to be afraid again”

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