Paolo Virzì and Micaela Ramazzotti, furious argument in Rome: screams and dishes fly at the restaurant

Paolo Virzì and Micaela Ramazzotti, furious argument in Rome: screams and dishes fly at the restaurant
Paolo Virzì and Micaela Ramazzotti, furious argument in Rome: screams and dishes fly at the restaurant

OfRome editorial team

The director and the actress, former spouses, stopped by the police after the argument in a restaurant in Piazza Albania on the Aventine. «Dishes and cutlery were thrown, the ambulance arrived»

The others diners they told the carabinieri to have seen fly flat, silverware, seats. On background yell out and accusations. There are those who also spoke to the military about shoving. It wasn’t a scene from a movie but the culmination of a terrible one quarrel which featured one of the former golden couples of Italian cinema, the director Paolo Virzì (60 years) andactress Micaela Ramazzotti (45), now officially separated in fact and dealing with divorce procedures.

The climate of tension the other evening exploded into a… local Of Romein Albania square in the elegant Aventino neighborhood, a restaurant of which the two were regular customers and which on Monday evening, however, saw them against each other.

It was around 10pm when the ruckus broke out. Ramazzotti was sitting at a small table together with one of the children of 11 years, had with Virzì, and the new partner, the personal trainer Claudio Pallitto, fit body and very active on social media. At some point it is ticked mashed potato Virzì, who would find himself walking in front with the actress’s other 14-year-old son and the eldest daughter the director had from his previous marriage. Some jokethe offensesand then it was the chaos.

As Il Messaggero reports, insults and accusations flew, until the other guests began to move away, to prevent any thrown object hit them in the air. According to the stories, one lass you would also felt bad. The owners of the place tried to calm things down, but the two seemed to unstoppableand then in the end someone alerted the carabinieri. The soldiers of the Aventine arrived on site and also aambulance. An intervention which – by now it was already 11pm – made it possible to restore calm in the room.

An unexpected epilogue for the couple who got back together after a breakup in 2018. There love storywhich began in 2008 right on the set of a film, «Whole life ahead», and continued for 16 years, instead ended at the beginning of 2023, with the first ones voices of crisis. Over time, the first ones arrived to close the chapter photo by Ramazzotti col new partner. And now, the delicate phase of separation.

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