It’s always Cartabianca: Corona apologizes and threatens: “I don’t know if I’ll stay”

It’s always Cartabianca: Corona apologizes and threatens: “I don’t know if I’ll stay”
It’s always Cartabianca: Corona apologizes and threatens: “I don’t know if I’ll stay”

As usual, a It’s always Cartabiancathe talk show hosted by Bianca Berlinguer Tuesday 18 June on Rete 4the mountaineer and writer Mauro Coronathe first guest of the evening, offers many surprises, starting with the attack on all those who deal with communications, returning to talk about that famous terrible video connection which led him to say: “Fire these incompetents“. Among the other live guests there are also the artist Albano Carrisi and the journalist Mario Giordano. During the episode, the hottest topics of the week are touched upon, in particular the reform of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the oppositions who took to the streets in Rome in defense of the intact Constitution, the brawl in Parliament, and differentiated autonomy. These are the political issues, together with the minimum wage and unemployment, with Mario Giordano, host of Out of the corewhich states: “We live in a world where wealth is increasingly based on the poverty of others“. Let’s find out together what happened in the new episode of It’s always Cartabianca on Tuesday 18 June.

It’s always Cartabianca, episode of June 18, 2024: what happened

The episode begins with Mauro Corona who apologizes for having said some strong words towards the broadcast technicians in the last episode.”I’m tired, fire these incompetents. We’re here wasting time because the voice isn’t reaching“, the writer declared. But today he retraces his steps live: “Meanwhile, I wanted to apologize because in the other episode, annoyed by the lack of his voice, I said “fire them” as a joke… Are you kidding me? I apologize, I would never fire anyone. Mine was a provocative jokebut imagine if I want the workers, the people, the workers to be fired… because now on television – in fact I don’t know if I’ll do another season – nothing can be said anymore because your statement is captured and used in an obscene, shameful way. I don’t want them to fire anyone, at most I’ll just fire myself. Those who are intelligent should understand where the line is, in fact we should hire more people and pay them more“. Berlinguer comments: “It was right to make this clarification, because it is true that annoying technical problems can happen but I am sure that you had no intention of saying this. I also made a mistake in not intervening immediately and saying ‘Okay, let’s not even talk about it. Chapter closed, we both apologize for what happened“. But Corona adds: “In these discussions, those who are intelligent – otherwise they’ll sell artificial intelligence – should understand where the line of the joke is, even pretending to be angry, but let alone if I want people to be fired”.

Then talking about food and sharp blades, at a certain point Corona says to Bianca Berlinguer: “Look at Bianchina, you must never approach me because I live on garlic and onion and therefore my kiss would be unbearable“. To which the journalist replies: “But when we got closer, very rarely, I didn’t smell it smelling like garlic and onions. Were you abstinent in those days?“. The host explains: “I had some hope with her and so I was prepared“. Then the presenter “We’re at the third to last episode and she’s the damn thing that has revealed itself here in Rome, in the Rete 4 studio. It’s the third or fourth year of promises as a sailor. The Alpine troops should maintain them, so you are a sailor“. Corona replies: “The last word hasn’t been said, but I would come alone“. The man lists a series of inconveniences that occurred to those who were supposed to accompany him to Rome and Berlinguer comments: “In order not to come, they are all injured“. “My doctor wanted to accompany us because the train could hurt us“, says the guest, with the presenter replying: “Now the train hurts… You’ve never heard of this! One can suffer from seasickness, the plane, but not the train“.

Al Bano at It’s always Cartabianca

Albano Carrisi enters the studio to talk to the journalist and Mauro Corona about some of the hottest topics of the week, starting fromartificial intelligence, passing through the separation of the Ferragnez up to the G7 and the war in Ukraine: “I call artificial intelligence artificial deficiency. With my face and a vocal tone that sounds like mine, they created a video in which I said I couldn’t leave the house, I looked like I was dying. She called me Sophia Loren to ask how I was doing. Every now and then they give me up for dead. Tie [fa il segno delle corna, ndr]. Here we need the postal police to stop these unfortunate people.” Corona intervenes: “I’m not scared of people with artificial intelligence who say I’m dead, it’s when they spread more serious news that I don’t like it. Sooner or later I will die anyway, it will be the truth“. The artist replies:Let’s keep ‘sister death’ away and live this beautiful life for another 30, 40 years, whatever they may be, and let others bear the burden of what they spend verbally“. Then the artist focuses on his love for his Puglia and talks about the G7: “All the great leaders of the world have arrived here and what amazes me is that they didn’t even dare to invite me there. As a Puglian I have always done extraordinary publicity for Puglia… but that’s okay, the important thing is that what happened happened“.

Chiara Ferragni and Fedez like him and Romina Power? “The initial disagreement between Chiara and Fedez was seen in Sanremo, when he stole the show. Something wasn’t right anymore. Then everyone has their own story, their own destiny. You build your life according to your needs and this has led to what we have seen. I am not capable of judging what others do, I already struggle to judge myself. Somehow it became an inevitable pause. The tragedy is not that one has children, but do they worry every now and then about the love that must be preserved for their children and about creating the possibility of never causing damage in the human journey?“, declares Al Bano. Mauro Corona agrees: “Things have a duration, an end. Love is consumed. The problem is leaving yourself in harmony while taking care of your children. Children are sponges, they have antennas. They understand that there is a laceration. I’m living one around here, I see things, but when we don’t get along anymore…” Berlinguer urges him: “Are you experiencing a separation?“, and the host replies: “I have been separated for centuries. The priest wanted me to read a piece of paper in which I declared that I was faithful ‘until death do you part’. I didn’t say it, I went to the bar and they came to get me and I just said yes“. The presenter is incredulous: “Did you go to the bar while you were getting married? Think of the poor wife… That woman is a saint“. Corona explains the reason: “I studied for almost 5 years with the Salesians and I know the Christian religion very well, so the priest wanted to trick me into telling a lie, because how can I promise that I will be faithful until death do us part? And then I fooled him by telling him: ‘Does he know that even just thinking about it makes him sin?’ He said yes and I told him: ‘By coming to get married I have already committed 5 or 6 sins, so he must give me absolution before marrying me’. I said yes to marriage but not to fidelity, because I don’t tell lies, except when, by telling the truth, I know I would hurt someone to death“.

Then Carrisi focuses on the case of Ilaria Salis (“She is certainly very happy to have arrived in Italy, I can’t understand why so much violence should always be used.”and about the war in Ukraine: “I was and am worried, because it no longer concerns only Ukraine but the whole world. We too have that war, as an echo, a reflection. It’s ours too if we’re not careful. They called me again to sing in Russia and I haven’t been there since that time, since the war started. In my opinion, Putin was the most Western man in his country. Something has changed and we also know why: America, NATO, the internal unrest in Ukraine… violence has started, these things are wrong. The most beautiful thing is to create harmony if we want to live well in this world. Who will pay for the pain that a mother has felt, feels and continues to feel? We have a wonderful head that could be our best bullet for creating world peace. We should make the brain sing, the love for humanity, and not the weapons“.

The brawl in Parliament

Inevitable is the topic of brawl occurred in Parliament in recent days, with Nicola Fratoianni (Italian Left) who declares: “It was a squad attack“. Senator Claudio Borghi (Lega) bursts out laughing and Fratoianni silences him: “There’s nothing to laugh about, I didn’t interrupt her first. There are images that have been seen all over the world, making this country ridiculous, if not more so. Those images humiliated Italy. There was a deputy held up by 5 clerks. The MPs from the majority rushed down and beat him up. I, like her, am not one to raise my hands on a restrained and firm person, I have never done so. What happened in the courtroom was a squad-based attack. I am not the one to be in a party whose deputy secretary nonchalantly says that it is more serious to sing Bella ciao than to evoke the Decima Mas. She is Borghi, and she should be worried, because Andrea Crippa and you can govern this country thanks to the partisans who liberated it“.

When Berlinguer asks him if he shares Crippa’s words, the Senator gets angry: “But I answer for what I say. I can’t stand this stuff. Forced public recantations are a sensational pain in the ass. I don’t have an ounce of fascism in me, I’m a democrat. What love can I have for a totalitarian regime? Zero“. Andrea Scanzi replies: “It would be enough to say that he doesn’t want to say it. But it’s not about recanting, it would mean admitting that the deputy secretary did something stupid. In other times they would have given him a TSO. It’s a metaphor, but we’re at those levels there. In addition to the aggression, the serious thing is to minimize the fact. Then I would like to tell Borghi that he can’t tell me about this little game where the left only gets angry when the Constitution is changed by the right. When Renzi gave birth to the Boschi Verdini reform, I, Meloni, the League voted no…“. Borghi doesn’t agree and reminds him: “The information at the time glorified her“, while Berlinguer adds: “They took me off TG3 precisely because I didn’t glorify…“.

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