The cost of fitness: how much we should spend according to experts

The fitness? In a historical moment where the search for well being gains more and more attention, it is no longer optional. But a conscious choice. Above all Millennials And Generation Z they are redefining prioritiestransforming the gym from a place of fatigue to a space for personal growth and social connections. But how much should be invested in this budget item?

Fitness as a spending priority

In an article published a few days ago, the Washington Post reported a search for McKinsey & Companyaccording to which Millennials And Generation Z they purchase more wellness-related products and services than previous generations. It is therefore not surprising that fitness has become a priority spending item for many young people. Taylor Price, expert on economics of Generation Z interviewed by the American newspaper, she recommends dedicate 5-10% of your income to health and fitness, to keep them front and center without neglecting other financial responsibilities. But there are those who go further. The WP takes as an example the cases of some young women who admit to spending between 10% and 15% of their income on gym memberships and training. For them, exercise is one cornerstone of life, and offers purpose outside of work. It goes without saying, Social media plays a key role in shaping the perception and importance of fitness for new generations. Platforms like Instagram And TikTok they churn out wellness trends, challenges and influencers, creating a real cult of digital fitness which feeds on images of sculpted bodies and creative workouts. In this sense, fitness becomes not only a way to improve oneself, but also to build your own identity social.

The other side of the coin

But the pursuit of well-being also has a dark side. The WP tells cases of people who got into debt in the pursuit of wellnessto the point of giving up new clothes and a house closer to work, just to afford a investment in health. This is especially true for millennials, willing to spend more on fitness experiences than previous generations. According to research by MarketWatch, the millennials Americans spend over $105,000 on fitness over a lifetime, compared to just 91 thousand dollars spent on a four-year public university education (costs refer to the USA, where university education costs more, ed).

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And in Italy? According to the Compass Observatory, those who dedicate themselves to physical activity spent around 2022 483 euros. But taking care of your body is not limited only to physical activity: in 2022, 56% of Italians turned to dieticians and nutritionists (15%), beauty centers (21%) and spas (15%), with a ‘additional average expenditure of 458 euros. But there are those who say that in 2024 there will be many more…

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