Heart health, how to preserve it. Study underway which will involve 30 thousand healthy people. How to participate

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. In our country they are responsible for 30.8% of deaths per year. Yet more than half of Italians (54%) believe they are not at risk.
To try to deal with this emergency, Parliament with the 2023 Budget Law has allocated 20 million for the four-year period 2023-2026 to the project «At the heart of prevention – Integrated approaches for personalized precision cardiovascular prevention: the CVRISK-IT study ». The study, which will be carried out by IRCCS Cardiology Network –Scientific hospitalization and treatment institutions – the largest Italian research network in the cardiovascular field promoted by the Ministry of Health – predicts the recruitment of 30 thousand healthy people that they will have the opportunity to have your heart health monitored (for free)..

I study

There is no shortage of cardiovascular prevention programs in our country but, in general, the current algorithmic models that predict cardiovascular diseases are based on non-modifiable cardiovascular risk factors (age and sex) and editable, such as smoking habit hypercholesterolemia, blood pressure. With the CVRISK-IT study they will be included in the global assessment of cardiovascular risk Also «risk modifier» factorswhich include the hereditary component of the risk (assessed using the so-called polygenic risk scores), the presence and quantity of calcium in the coronary arteries (identified by non-contrast CT angiography) and theanalysis of the carotid artery (by Doppler ultrasound).
The study will involve 30 thousand healthy people between 40 and 80 years old, without a history of cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes, who will be recruited by 17 IRCCS in the different Regions, also with the collaboration of voluntary organizations throughout the national territory.
In the first phase the entire sample of 30 thousand people who will be subjected to will be involved evaluations after 12 months based on the most advanced cardiovascular risk prediction models. In the second phase individuals with very high cardiovascular risk will be excluded from the trial e started on standard preventive treatment required by the guidelines; the others will receive specific information and personalized advice based on the estimated cardiovascular risk profile and they will be able to decide soundergo other checks, always free of charge.

Hereditary component, calcium in the coronary arteries, carotid arteries

Dr. Lorenzo Menicanti, president of the IRCCS Cardiology Network, explains: «The project will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of prevention levels and formulating increasingly adequate management protocols. The first step will be to describe the cardiovascular risk profile of the population, but the study will go further because, in part of the population studied, by randomizing the groups, we will do amore accurate analysis of risk factors which includes gods imaging tests; so there will be a study to analyze the calcium content in the coronary arteriesa study will help check the thickness of the carotid artery which is a direct sign of cardiovascular disease, will also be made a genetic risk profile, completely new in this type of project. This will also have repercussions in future prevention campaigns – continues Dr. Menicanti –. We all know that smoking is bad for you (it even says on cigarette packets), in our hospital there is a sign that says “Remember to take the stairs because it’s good for your heart” but everyone takes the elevator, because they don’t feel involved. It’s another thing knowing that you have one or more risk factors and knowing your risk score: in this case The psychological involvement it’s completely different.”

Who can participate in the study and how

The population will be active part of this prevention project. «The role of citizens, in particular patient organizations, is essential, both to build scientific projects, to discuss the objectives, to develop them as best as possible, to contribute to writing the informed consent – ​​says Antonio Gaudioso, former secretary of Cittadinanzattiva and now board member of Edra spa – . The joint work on scientific projects it also helps spread awareness in the community on the centrality of role of scientific researchfor our future.”
How you can participate in the study? «The simplest way – replies the president of the IRCCS Cardiology Network – is to contact the nearest IRCCS. There will be a dedicated website, as well as an information campaign in the area” reports Dr. Menicanti.
The project will take advantage of innovative IT toolsof a new informed consent and one relational digital platform to encourage the motivation of study participants and, more generally, people’s awareness.

Personalized prevention

«The first purpose of the Health Service is develop the well-being of citizens and, for the first time, all the Irccs of the Cardiology Network will work to develop primary prevention strategies integrated, more precise and personalized – underlines the Honorable Member Ilenia Malavasi, member of the Social Affairs Commission of the Chamber of Deputies –. The study was requested by Parliament because we are certain that it will make an important contribution to development of increasingly effective strategies for prevention and the management of cardiovascular diseases in Italy”.

The Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Health, Marcello Gemmato, adds: «Primary prevention is one of the priorities of the ministry because, thanks to the possibility of intercepting the disease before it manifests itselfi, it is possible to guarantee greater health to the citizen and, at the same time, ensure the necessary sustainability of the National Health Service. The initiative is a virtuous example of a new approach to the early management of chronic pathologies.”

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