Drusllia Foer and the sudden illness: mad rush to the hospital | Life hanging by a thread

Drusllia Foer and the sudden illness: mad rush to the hospital | Life hanging by a thread
Drusllia Foer and the sudden illness: mad rush to the hospital | Life hanging by a thread

Rush to hospital for Drusilla Foer, the artist who made us go crazy at Sanremo a few years ago was forced to ask for help: what happened a few months ago

A Sanremo the only one that saw her as co-host Drusilla Foer. It was the not so distant 2022, and she was the true queen of the Festival alongside Amadeus.

The co-host of the Festival ingeniously disguised herself as Zorro, later joking with Amadeus: “I did it to reassure all those who were afraid of a man in disguise”, closing the monologue in an iconic way. Drusilla Foer is the alter ego of the Florentine actor Gianluca Gori.

Actress, singer, writer and web star, she immediately proved herself worthy of the Ariston stage and we all acclaimed her with esteem and affection. The co-host then wanted to raise awareness on the topic of uniqueness and diversity, with a long monologue which broke a lance for uniqueness, abolishing the term ‘diversity’ as potentially offensive.

“You need to get in touch with your uniqueness. We shout: what a beauty! All these things are me. And it will be beautiful to embrace our uniqueness. At that point it will be easier to open ourselves to each other’s uniqueness” he told the Drusilla Festival, moving everyone. With great affection fans were immediately concerned about Foer’s health when was it suddenly announced his hospitalization.

Sudden Hospitalization for Drusilla Foer, What Happened

What struck her was bilateral pneumonia which forced her to stay in hospital for weeks. After a long period, around Easter, Drusilla reappeared on social media to tell her fans everything that had happened and that had made them worry so much.

“Here I am,” she began in a video, “alive and well. In short, it seems, they say, they suppose, that you won’t get rid of me easily” is how he ironically threatens his audience. The artist was hospitalized in Florence as an emergency due to what turned out to be aggressive pneumonia.

Drusilla Foer – Instagram – www.teleradiosciacca.it

Bilateral pneumonia for Drusilla, the story of the disease

“It was an important experience, let’s say, I was about to leave my feathers there, or rather perhaps the feathers…”. After days of silence Drusilla told in detail everything that happened, reassuring everyone that although it had been a great challenge, she will now have time to recover.

Foer was continuing her tour in theaters, but unfortunately she was forced to stop everything due to the seriousness of her situation. Bilateral pneumonia is a silent disease that if not treated immediately creates very serious damage: from April to today two months have passed and Drusilla is ready to return to public life, but overcoming all this has not been easy.

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