companion and follies. From Bowie to Dali, all lovers

companion and follies. From Bowie to Dali, all lovers
companion and follies. From Bowie to Dali, all lovers

Today, Sunday 23 June, at Very true – The Storiesthe full interview conducted by will be re-proposed Silvia Toffanin to Amanda Lear last October, and we, for the occasion, want to retrace the salient points of his private life between ex boyfriends and flirtations: what happened before and after the love story with the last partner (much younger than her)? Let’s discover together something more about the singer and actress’s love life: from relationships with Salvador Dalì, David Bowie and Miguel Bosè to her husband who passed away in a fire.

Amanda Lear and her many loves

Amanda Lear has had a very eventful and intense love life, but recently confessed to having “closed the boutique“. In short, love is no longer in her thoughts, at least for the moment, but the singer has always remembered her past loves and flirtations with great enthusiasm, and she also did so in the recent interview given to very true and in some magazines, where he talked about Salvador Dalì, Miguel Bosè and David Bowieamong others.

Let’s start with the famous painter Salvador Daliwho considered her a muse and therefore called her “My angel“: “The one with Dalì was an incredible love, physically it wasn’t what I was looking for but I was very much in love, he won me over and we stayed together for 15 years. We always addressed each other on a first-name basis, even if we were intimate. We weren’t married and he didn’t like the idea of ​​being thought to be his mistress“. Dalì had married Gala, who adored Amanda so much that she even asked her to swear that if she were dead“, it would have “took his place. “I couldn’t, I was 25 years old and my music. And then, wickedly, he told me that I sucked when I sang. She wanted me to be close to him but I didn’t want to marry an old man“, declared Lear in an interview with Panorama, also explaining the actual reason for her refusal: “I didn’t like becoming Mrs Dalí. But I didn’t want to abandon him, she had done so much for me. Like a father, a brother, an art professor, a life teacher. And suddenly I saw him old, weak, he could no longer paint due to the tremors of Parkinson’s. But I had a career ahead of me, should I have been his carer and nurse? I didn’t feel like it, it was too much for me. Maybe I was selfish“. We also discover that the surrealist painter accompanied the singer to her lovers, despite being very jealous: “Dalì was madly in love with me, even though he knew he couldn’t satisfy me. I dated handsome young boys and he enjoyed his jealousy. He wanted me to tell him everything. It was a masochistic thing. I went dancing every night, I did a lot of drugs, I was certainly not a good girl. He accompanied me to the door of my lovers’ house and wallowed in thoughts of what I would do“.

Then the dancer Miguel Bose: “He said it was his first time. I don’t understand why he did it, obviously I left him a good memory. He was the son of the great bullfighter Dominguín, who was a great conqueror and was worried that Miguel was too delicate, sweet. He was often a guest of Salvador Dalì in his villa in Cadaqués, Catalonia, and one summer Luis practically threw him into my arms. Miguel and I went for a walk, and it happened“. AND David Bowie? “An important relationship, I sang with him, he was the first to believe in me, he made me take singing lessons, it all started like this“said Amanda Lear. The artist had noticed her on the album cover For Your Pleasure of Roxy Music in 1973 and for this reason he wanted to meet her. Their love story lasted two years.

Recall that Amanda Lear was married to Alain-Philippe Malagnac d’Argens de Villèlewho passed away due to a fire in 2000. In a long interview with the weekly Who she said she still lives in the house where she lived with her husband: “A real tragedy. I thought I would be persecuted by negative waves, but instead I discovered that fire, in misfortune, purifies. Here I feel protected, safe and, I will tell you, I still feel her presence. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice. I asked my analyst when I would be able to move on and he replied dryly: “Never”. Yet today this house represents happiness. I want to live and die here.” Years earlier, however, she had revealed that she had dreamed of her husband several times after his death: “After the fire in which I lost my husband and my house, I had bad thoughts. I didn’t say goodbye to him: I was at work. It seems to you that your life stops like that, suddenly. I wasn’t prepared and I had to continue to work. I just wanted to cry. My friends were close, they understood the moment. Suicide is a total renunciation and I’m not like that. I dream about it every now and then, he was a bit lost but I always liked guys a little fragile, I’m not attracted to macho men and ladies’ men, I prefer a man who knows how to cry, it’s a wonderful thing“.

The latest reports

Among Amanda Lear’s most recent relationships we remember the one with the model Anthony Hornez, 40 years her junior. The story began in 2014 and ended a few years ago (“It had to end“), before the relationship with the last boyfriend, a young man met in 2021 and whose traces were subsequently lost. It was probably a passing flirtation and nothing more. Finally, we remember that before the model she had had a relationship with the 42-year-old actor and former model Manuel Casellaleft in 2008: “He was the man of my life but I was the one who left Manuel because I was afraid that he would abandon me sooner or later and there is nothing worse for a woman of my age than being abandoned“. Recently, more precisely last August, Lear made it known that she had closed her heart permanently: “Regarding love, I adopted a cat and closed the boutique“.

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